Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD7875 .G8 A handbook of industrial law : a practical legal guide for trade union officers and others / 1
HD7875 .M5 Work and labour; being a compendium of the law affecting the conditions under which the manual work of the working classes is performed in England. 1
HD7876 .C6 The factory system and the factory acts / 1
HD7876 .F4 The insurance bill and the workers : criticisms and amendments of the National Insurance Bill prepared by the Executive Committee. 1
HD7876 .H9 1903 A history of factory legislation / 2
HD7876 .H9 1911 A history of factory legislation / 1
HD7876 .P45 The idea of social justice : a study of legislation and administration and the labour movement in England and France between 1900 and 1926 / 1
HD7876 .P47 Social politics and modern democracies. 1
HD7876 .P8 The enforcement of the statutes of labourers during the first decade after the black death, 1349-1359, 1
HD7876 .S4 Labor relations and the law in the United Kingdom and the United States : a comparative study. 1
HD7876 .T447 2017 The State in Relation to Labour. 1
HD7876 .W42 Cases and materials on labour law / 1
HD7883 .F3 Manuel de législation industrielle : rédigé d'après les programmes des facultés de droit et ceux du concours pour l'inspection du travail; avec le texte des lois ouvrières et des tableaux analytiques / 1
HD7887 .A13 Entscheidungen des Bundesarbeitsgerichts. 1
HD7887.A5 .E7 1957 Die Entwicklung der deutschen Sozialgesetzgebung. 1
HD7887.A5 E7 1957 Die Entwicklung der deutschen Sozialgesetzgebung. 1
HD7888 .E24 Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Arbeitsrechts (bis 1849) 1
HD7888 .N55 Arbeitsrecht. 1
HD7888 .S3 The theory and policy of labour protection / 1
HD7904 .R7 1920 The labor laws of Soviet Russia / 1