Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD78 .W6 no.135 The poor and the dead : socioeconomic status and mortality in the U.S., 1850-1860 / 1
HD78 .W64 1996 Elusive development / 2
HD79.D5 L43 2005 Learning from clusters : a critical assessment from an economic-geographical perspective / 1
HD79.D5 S36 Locational patterns and dynamics of industrial activity in the modern metropolis : a review essay / 1
HD79.E5 Towards global sustainability : issues, new indicators and economic policy / 1
HD79.E5 S5 1978 Economics and the crisis of ecology / 1
HD79.E5 S88 2011eb Sustainable communities : skills and learning for place making / 1
HD79.I55 C37 2001 The Internet galaxy : reflections on the Internet, business, and society / 1
HD79.I55 C38 2001 The Internet galaxy : reflections on the Internet, business, and society / 1
HD79.T4 I5465 2004 Innovation in the knowledge economy : implications for education and learning / 1
HD79.T4 M36 1999 Managing national innovation systems / 1
HD79.6 .B78 2000 Economic growth and the environment : an empirical analysis / 1
HD82 Development economics : from the poverty to the wealth of nations /
Development in Difficult Sociopolitical Contexts.
Economic growth : advances in analysis methodologies and technologies /
Economic development in the digital age /
Economic transformation designing a contemporary economy /
Selected essays on the economic growth of the socialist and the mixed economy.
Growth : a history and a reckoning /
Beyond ecological economics and development : critical reflections on the thought of Manfred Max-Neef /
The innovation for development report 2010-2011 innovation as a driver of productivity and economic growth.
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on People and their Lives : Socio-Political and Economic Aspects /
The theory of economic growth
Principles of economic planning
Learning to industrialize : from given growth to policy-aided value creation /
A neo-classical theory of economic growth
The intelligent radicals guide to economic policy : the mixed economy /
Factors in economic development /
Values At The Core.
Money, trade and economic growth : survey lectures in economic theory /
Wellbeing, freedom and social justice : the capability approach re-examined /
Was ist zu tun? : Wirtschaftspolitische Agenda für die Legislaturperiode 2002 bis 2006.
The origins of economic inequality between nations : a critique of Western theories on development and underdevelopment /
Financial access of the urban poor in India : a story of exclusion /
A study into financial globalization, economic growth and (In)Equality /
Development management of transforming economies : theories, approaches and models for overall development /
Disrupted development and the future of inequality in the age of automation
Overlooked links in the results chain
Crisis after the crisis : economic development in the new normal : 2021 International Conference of Economic Scientific Research - Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches (ESPERA) /
Driving complexity in economic development : the role of institutions, entrepreneurship, and innovation /
Global poverty alleviation : a case book /
The Oxford handbook of the politics of development /
Economic development : theory, policy, and international relations /
A neo-classical theory of economic growth /
Cooperacion internacional al desarrollo entre solidaridad e interes.
The persistence of global masculinism discourse, gender and neo-colonial re-articulations of violence /
Regionalism, Development and the Post-Commodities Boom in South America
Building development studies for the new millennium /
Transformation and development studies in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Member States /
Transnational policy entrepreneurs bureaucratic influence and knowledge circulation in global cooperation /
Disrupted Development and the Future of Inequality in the Age of Automation /
Sufficiency in Business The Transformative Potential of Business for Sustainability.
International development assistance and the BRICS /
Reformers in international development : five remarkable lives /
Developmentalism : the normative and transformative within capitalism /
Financial deepening and post-crisis development in emerging markets : current perils and future dawns /
Issues and challenges of inclusive development essays in honor of Prof. R. Radhakrishna /
Public policy in transition economies : an institutional perspective /
Innovation and technology : business and economics approaches /
Institutions, Social Norms and Economic Development.
Looking into the seeds of time : the price of modern development /
Durable economies : organizing the material foundations of society /
The Oxford handbook of structural transformation /
Going past limits to growth : a report to the Club of Rome EU-Chapter /
The Oxford handbook of industrial policy /
Global development : the basics /
Growth and welfare in advanced capitalist economies : how have growth regimes evolved? /
Ideas in the history of economic development : the case of peripheral countries /
Development policy in small countries
Managing development in the third world /
Finance Capital And Uneven Development.
Reclaiming development studies: essays for Ashwani Saith.
Manufacturing, technology, and economic growth /
Unlocking innovation for development : action update : what worked and what didn't for ADB's first innovation regional technical assistance project, February 2020 /
Thinking about growth and other essays on economic growth and welfare /
Democracy and economic planning : the political economy of a self-governing society /
Samir Amin : pioneer of the rise of the South /
The Future of Industrial Man.
The socioeconomic impact of resource development : methods for assessment /
New institutions for socio-economic development : the change of paradigm from rationality and stability to responsibility and dynamism /
Critical perspectives on emerging economies : an international assessment /
Grow your global markets : a handbook for successful market entry /
Study guide for Economic growth and development /
Economic policies and issues on a global scale /
New perspectives on structural change : causes and consequences of structural change in the global economy /
Protection, cooperation, integration, and development : essays in honour of Professor Hiroshi Kitamura /
Development economics : theory and practice /
Digitalization and economic development : insights from developing countries /
Innovation capabilities and economic development in open economies /
South Africa.
The post-crisis developmental state perspectives from the global periphery /
Transforming the Socio Economy with Digital Innovation.
Handbook of economic stagnation /
Global-local tradeoffs, order-disorder consequences : 'state' no more an island? /
Macroeconomic Planning.
Leadership and power in international development : navigating the intersections of gender, culture, context, and sustainability /
The BRICS order assertive or complementing the West? /
Ajit Singh of Cambridge and Chandigarh : an intellectual biography of the radical Sikh economist /
Modern global economic system : evolutional development vs. revolutionary leap /
Structural transformation : understanding the new drivers of investment, innovation and institutions /
The impact of emerging economies on global energy and the environment : challenges head /
The GVAR handbook : structure and applications of a macro model of the global economy for policy analysis /
Markets, governance, and institutions in the process of economic development /
World markets of tomorrow: economic growth, population trends, electricity and energy, quality of life.
Economic growth and development policy
Competing in capabilities the globalization process /
Development success historical accounts from more advanced countries /
State and corporate management of region's development in the conditions of the digital economy
Economists and COVID-19 : ideas, theories and policies during the pandemic /
POVERTY AND PROGRESS an ecological model of economic development.
Cases in economic development projects, policies, and strategies /
Richard F. Kahn : collected economic essays /
La teoría del crecimiento : una exposición /
The Political Economy of Neo-modernisation : Rethinking the Dynamics of Technology, Development and Inequality /
Economic Growth in Small Open Economies : lessons from the Visegrad Countries /
Post-growth politics : a critical theoretical and policy framework for decarbonisation /
How the world became rich : the historical origins of economic growth /
Pour en finir avec la stagnation économique française /
Economics and policy of energy and environmental sustainability /
Delivering Distinctive Value in Emerging Economies : Efficient and Sustainably Responsible Perspectives from Management Researchers and Practitioners.
Global economic disparity : a dynamic force in geoeconomic competition of superpowers /
A new concept of development : basic tenets /
Economic growth : analysis and policy /
Efficiency of growth drivers : an analysis of select Indian industries /
The rise and decline of nations : economic growth, stagflation, and social rigidities /
Essai sur les institutions sociales dans leur rapport avec les idées nouvelles.
Opportunities and challenges in development essays for Sarmila Banerjee /
A Permanent Crisis : The Financial Oligarchy's Seizing of Power and the Failure of Democracy /
Development, globalization, global values, and security : essays in honor of Arno Tausch /
Towards a Re-Definition of Development : Essays and Discussion on the Nature of Development in an International Perspective.
Reducing natural resource dependency for economic growth in resource rich countries /
The Complementary roots of growth and development comparative analysis of the United States, South Korea, and Turkey /
Technology, innovations and economic development : essays in honour of Robert E. Evenson /
The Belt and Road Initiative : key concepts /
China's reform to overleap the middle-income trap /
Patentism replacing capitalism : a prediction from logical economics /
The Palgrave handbook of development economics critical reflections on globalisation and development /
Structural change and industrial development in the BRICS /
Energy-based economic development : how clean energy can drive development and stimulate economic growth /
Driving digital transformation : lessons from seven developing countries /
Immiserizing growth : when growth fails the poor /
The 21st century from the positions of modern science : intellectual, digital and innovative aspects /
Issues and challenges of inclusive development : essays in honor of Prof. R. Radhakrishna /
Gateway cities in global production networks : insights from the oil and gas industry in Southeast Asia /
Fully automated luxury communism : a manifesto /
Compressed development : time and timing in economic and social development /
Country experiences in economic development, management and entrepreneurship : proceedings of the 17th Eurasia business and economics society conference /
Industry-led growth : issues and facts /
Economic history of warfare and state formation /
Decentralisation and regional development : experiences and lessons from four continents over three decades /
The time-travelling economist : why education, electricity and fertility are key to escaping poverty /
Country experiences in economic development, management and entrepreneurship proceedings of the 17th Eurasia business and economics society conference /
Development studies in regional science essays in honor of Kingsley E. Haynes /
Secular stagnation theories a historical and contemporary analysis with a focus on the distribution of income /
The takeover of social policy by financialization : the Brazilian paradox /
New challenges for macroeconomic policies : economic growth, sustainable development, fiscal and monetary policies /
The Palgrave handbook of development economics : critical reflections on globalisation and development /
Aid, trade and development the future of globalization /
South-North dialogues on democracy, development and sustainability /
Enjeux et défis du développement international : Acteurs et champs d'action. Édition nouvelle et actualisée /
Handbook of economic stagnation
Socialist planning /
Recent studies in economics of development, business and accounting /
Routledge Library Editions: Development Mini-Set B: Aid.
Circular economy and engineering a new ecologically efficient model /
International Development a Global Perspective on Theory and Practice.
Challenging global development : towards decoloniality and justice /
The Preston model and community wealth building : creating a socio-economic democracy for the future /
Comparative development perspectives : essays in honor of Lloyd G. Reynolds /
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Economic, Management and Accounting (ICEMAC 2023)
Key concepts in development geography /
Economic growth and development : a dynamic dual economy approach /
Visions of development : faith-based initiatives /
HD82+ Growth theory : Solow and his modern exponents / 1
HD82 .A265 no. 22 1998 U.S. food aid and sustainable development : forty years of experience / 1
HD82 .A533 Economic growth and social equity in developing countries
Economic growth and social equity in developing countries /
HD82 .A534 The theory and design of economic development / 1
HD82 .A54 The American round table discussions on people's capitalism : at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, November 16 and 17, 1956 / 1
HD82 .A541 The American round table : people's capitalism, part II. An inquiry into the social and cultural trends in America under our system of widely shared material benefits at the Yale Club, New York, New York, May 22, 1957 / 1
HD82 .A5455 Markets, planning and development : the private and public sectors in economic development / 2