Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD8088 .A644 The rural job development bill. 1
HD8101 .A4 Annual report for the fiscal year ended Mar. 31 ... / 1
HD8101 .C325a Annual report - Human Resources Development Canada. 1
HD8101 .C33a Annual review. 1
HD8101 .L33 Labour news. 1
HD8101 .Q44 1993-1 Unionization in Canada and the United States : a tale of two countries / 1
HD8101 .W67 Working conditions in Canadian industry. : Conditions de travail dans l'industrie canadienne. 1
HD8102.C275 A23 1973B Nationalism, Communism and Canadian labour : the CIO, the Communist Party and the Canadian Congress of Labour, 1935-1956 / 1
HD8102.C275 A23 1973b Nationalism, Communism and Canadian labour: the CIO, the Communist Party and the Canadian Congress of Labour, 1935-1956 2
HD8102.C275 K85 Organized labour and pressure politics : the Canadian Labour Congress, 1956-1968. 1
HD8102.C275 K85 1972eb Organized labour and pressure politics : the Canadian Labour Congress, 1956-1968 / 2
HD8102.C64 Q4 Quebec labour : the confederation of National Trade Unions yesterday and today / 1
HD8102.C69 C88 2012 Labour goes to war : the CIO and the construction of a new social order, 1939-45 / 1
HD8102 .I54 Industrial relations in Canada, towards a better understanding : a round table discussion held in Toronto June 15 and 16, 1977 / 2
HD8102 .I55 Industrial relations 1979, outlook & issues : a round table discussion held in Ottawa, December 14, 1978 : a report / 2
HD8102 .L2 Labour research. 1
HD8102 .L27 1964 Collective agreement provisions in major manufacturing establishments. 1
HD8102 .M34 Research report. 1
HD8102 .N3 1967 National Conference on Labour-Management Relations, Ottawa, March 21-22, 1967 / 1
HD8102 .R44 Relations industrielles. : Industrial relations. 1