Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9075 .J6 The collapse of cotton tenancy. : Summary of Field studies & statistical surveys, 1933-35 / 1
HD9075 .M25 The cotton trade : its bearing upon the prosperity of Great Britain and commerce of the American republics, considered in connection with the system of Negro slavery in the Confederate States / 1
HD9075 .M25 1969 The cotton trade: its bearing upon the prosperity of Great Britain and commerce of the American Republics : considered in connection with the system of Negro slavery in the Confederate States. 1
HD9075 .M34 1863i The cotton trade its bearing upon the prosperity of Great Britain and commerce of the American Republics, considered in connection with the system of Negro slavery in the Confederate States / 1
HD9075 .M65 1936i The cotton South and American trade policy 1
HD9075 .O3 1945a Recent trends in the demand for American cotton / 1
HD9075 .S85 The new revolution in the cotton economy : mechanization and its consequences. 1
HD9075.U551966i Cotton Research and Promotion Act P.L. 89-502, 80 Stat. 279, July 13, 1966. 1
HD9075 .W27 Production and price of cotton for one-hundred years / 1
HD9075 .W58 King cotton & his retainers : financing & marketing the cotton crop of the South, 1800-1925 / 1
HD9076 Regulations pertaining to cotton marketing quotas for the ... marketing year. 1
HD9076 .C56 The life and times of King Cotton. 1
HD9076 .C78 1989 Cotton, background for 1990 farm legislation / 1
HD9076 .R53 Cotton and the AAA. 1
HD9077.A13 D36 1985 Breaking the land : the transformation of cotton, tobacco, and rice cultures since 1880 / 2
HD9077.A13 L55 1987 Like a family : the making of a Southern cotton mill world / 1
HD9077.A13 M38 2018 Unredeemed land : an environmental history of Civil War and emancipation in the Cotton South /
Unredeemed land : an environmental history of Civil War and emancipation in the cotton South /
HD9077.A13 S66 1984 Cotton crisis / 2
HD9077.T39 T67 2015 Seeds of empire : cotton, slavery, and the transformation of the Texas borderlands, 1800-1850 / 1
HD9077.T39 T67 2015eb Seeds of empire : cotton, slavery, and the transformation of the Texas borderlands, 1800-1850 / 1