HD9149.C5 U5535 2018eb
Cigarettes, inc. : an intimate history of corporate imperialism / |
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HD9149.C5 U5535 2019
Cigarettes, Inc : an intimate history of corporate imperialism / |
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HD9149.C5 U77
Cigarette country : tobacco in American history and politics. |
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HD9149 .U663 2019eb
The cigarette : a political history / |
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HD9149 U663 2019eb
The cigarette : a political history / |
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Industrial hemp food and nutraceutical applications / |
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HD9155.A2 G56 1998
Global fibre supply model / |
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HD9155.A2 H37 2017
Hemp and the global economy : the rise of labor, innovation, and trade / |
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HD9155.A2 W67
World apparel fibre consumption survey. |
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HD9155 .E53 1579
By the Queene where in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the xxiiii. yeere of the reigne of the late ... King Henry the eight ... there was an acte and statute made touching and concerning the sowing of flaxe seede and hempe seede .. |
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HD9155.U4 A5 1929
Flaxseed : report of the United States Tariff Commission to the President of the United States : differences in costs of production of flaxseed in the United States and in the principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to the provisions of Section 315 of Title III of the Tariff Act of 1922 : with appendix, proclamation by the President. |
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HD9155.U5 H67 1998eb
A history of the hemp industry in kentucky / |
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HD9155.U5 K45 1951
A history of the hemp industry in Kentucky / |
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HD9155.U5 O77
The Oregon fiber-flax industry, with particular reference to marketing / |
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Dundee and the Empire : 'Juteopolis' 1850-1939 / |
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HD9156.H463 M63 1987
Agrarian reform & public enterprise in Mexico : the political economy of Yucatán's henequen industry / |
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HD9156.H463 M669 1999
Identidad, henequén y trabajo los desfibradores de Yucatán / |
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HD9156.H463 M685 1985
Yucatán's gilded age : haciendas, henequen, and International Harvester, 1860-1915 / |
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HD9156.J7 I46 1989
Impact of changing technological and economic factors on markets for natural industrial fibres : case studies on jute, kenaf, sisal and abaca. |
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HD9156.J8 B718 1996
Trama e poder : a trajetória e polêmica em torno das indústrias de sacaria para o café, São Paulo 1888-1934 / |
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