Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD929.T86 B4 Land and lineage in China : a study of Tʻung-chʻeng County, Anhwei, in the Ming and Chʻing dynasties / 1
HD934 .S5 Ocherki po istorii zemledeli︠i︡a Sibiri (XVII vek) / 1
HD935.Z9 F38 1987 The story of an African famine : gender and famine in Twentieth-Century Malawi / 1
HD936.S64 Consolidated Gold Fields in Australia : rise and decline of a British mining house, 1926-1998 / 2
HD938.2 .C454 1997 Taiwan gu shu qi, 1717-1906 / 1
HD938.2.P53 2010 Planning in Taiwan : Spatial Planning in the Twenty-First Century. 1
HD938.2 .P53 2010eb Planning in Taiwan : spatial planning in the twenty first century / 1
HD938.2 T13 v.2 Gaoxiong xian tu di suo you quan fen pei diao cha yan jiu 1
HD938.2 .Y83 2001 Taiwan tu di wen ti : she hui wen ti de gen yuan / 1
HD939.S55 S53 1974 Voprosy agrarnoĭ istorii Rossii / 1
HD940.5 .C65 Factors related to acceptance of innovations in Bang Chan, Thailand : analysis of a survey conducted by the Cornell Cross-Cultural Methodology Project, May 1955 / 1
HD940.5 .D4 1955a Village life in modern Thailand. 1
HD943 Land administration and practice in Hong Kong / 1
HD943.2 .P66 2011eb Land and the ruling class in Hong Kong / 1
HD943.2 .X53 2002 Xianggang fang di chan shi chang : shi shi yu zheng ce / 1
HD949.A6 M6 1938 Alişar : a unit of land occupance in the Kanak Su basin of central Anatolia ... / 1
HD950.A2 Personal carbon trading / 1
HD951.H6 L49 Urban land use analysis : a case study of Hong Kong. 1
HD951.I7 B3 Relation of the people to the land in southern Iraq. 1
HD951.I7 K3 Die Nomadenansiedlung in der irakischen Jezira. 1