Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9486.U4 M33 1909i Cyrus Hall McCormick his life and work / 1
HD9486.U4 M35 Cyrus Hall McCormick : seed-time, 1809-1856. 1
HD9486.U4 M35 1968 Cyrus Hall McCormick / 1
HD9486.U4 M4 Memorial of Robert McCormick : being a brief history of his life, character and inventions, including the early history of the McCormick reaper. 1
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HD9486.U5 L6 The retail farm equipment business in Louisiana / 1
HD9486.U6 The John Deere Way 1
HD9486.U6 D39 1984 John Deere's company : a history of Deere & Company and its times / 2
HD9486.U6 D432 2005 The John Deere story : a biography of plowmakers John & Charles Deere / 1
HD9486.U6 D436 2005 The John Deere way : performance that endures / 1
HD9486.U6 I76 1985 A corporate tragedy : the agony of International Harvester Company / 2
HD9486.U6 I77 A century of labor-management relations at McCormick and International Harvester. 1
HD9486.U6 I78 Wages in practice and theory : McCormick and International Harvester, 1860-1960. 1
HD9489 .B63 1990 Coast Guard : Anti-Reflagging Act has mixed impact on U.S. fishing and ship rebuilding : report to the Honorable Bob Packwood, U.S. Senate / 1
HD9489.B63 C63 1991 Fishing boat construction. 1
HD9489.T332 P476 1999 A sportsman's life : how I built Orvis by mixing business and sport / 2
HD9490.A2 Oil, institutions and sustainability in MENA : a radical approach through the empowerment of citizens /
Oil, institutions and sustainability in MENA a radical approach through the empowerment of citizens /
The economics of oil : a primer including geology, energy, economics, politics /
HD9490.A2 B94 2016 The tropical oil crop revolution : food, feed, fuel, and forests / 1
HD9490.A2 O45 1952 Financial analysis of thirty-eight oil companies : 1939-1951 / 1
HD9490.A3 U7 Excise taxes on fats and oils and oil bearing materials. 1
HD9490.A35532 A23 1994 The edible oil industry in Sudan and Egypt : a case study of industrialisation in African LLDCs / 1