Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9502.E852 S28 2011 Saving energy : time to step up our efforts / 1
HD9502.E852 S55 2020 Romania as an energy actor in the EU : cooperation in European energy policy / 1
HD9502.E852 S681 1998 Sources of financing energy efficiency projects in Central and Eastern Europe / 1
HD9502.E852 S73 2015eb Power Cut? How the EU Is Pulling the Plug on Electricity Markets : How the EU Is Pulling the Plug on Electricity Markets. 1
HD9502.E852 Y68 2009  
HD9502.E8522 E54 1993 Energy in Europe : community assistance in the energy sector to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union / 1
HD9502.E8522 L36 2002 Coping with the Cold : Heating Strategies for Eastern Europe and Central Asia's Urban Poor. 1
HD9502.E8522 O98 2011  
HD9502.E8522 O98 2011eb Outage : investment shortfalls in the power sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia / 1
HD9502.E8522 R84 2013  
HD9502.E8522 R84 2013eb online Balancing Act : Cutting Energy Subsidies While Protecting Affordability / 1
HD9502.E86 C66 1995 For a European Union energy policy : green paper / 1
HD9502.E86 E53 1989 Energy in Europe : major themes in energy / 1
HD9502.E86 J33 Energy, statistical yearbook = Energie, annuaire statistique / 1
HD9502.E862 ENERGY IN EUROPE : issues and policies.
Environmental impact of energy strategies within the EEC a report prepared for the Environment and Consumer Protection Service of the Commission of the European Communities /
HD9502.E862 C37 1991 L'Europe de l'énergie : objectif 1992 et perspectives 2010 / 1
HD9502.E862 E5 Energy : monthly statistics = Energie : statistiques mensuelles / 1
HD9502.E862 E5235 1992 Energy : a challenge for Europe and the world / 1
HD9502.E862 E547 1992 Energy in Europe : a view to the future. 1
HD9502.E862 .E5473 1993 Energy consequences of the proposed carbon/energy tax, SEC(92)1996, 23 October 1992. 1