Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9502.M62 E5413 2018eb Energy efficiency and conservation in Mexico / 1
HD9502.M62 E57 1988 Energy policy in Mexico : problems and prospects for the future / 1
HD9502.M62 ebook Sustentabilidad energética, medio ambiente y sociedad / 1
HD9502.M62 L69 2010  
HD9502.M62 L69 2010eb Low-carbon development for Mexico / 1
HD9502.M62 M67 2005 Energy and sustainable development in Mexico / 2
HD9502.M62 M67 2005eb Energy and sustainable development in Mexico / 1
HD9502.M62 O333 2017 Gobernanza de reguladores Impulsando el desempeño de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía de México.
Gobernanza de reguladores Impulsando el desempeño de los órganos reguladores en materia energética de México.
HD9502.M62 V47 2021 Fueling Mexico : energy and environment, 1850-1950 / 2
HD9502.M6282 The energy sector and energy geopolitics in the MENA Region at a crossroad : towards a great transformation? / 2
HD9502.M6282 B34 2013 Alternative energy in the Middle East / 1
HD9502.M6282 E34 2001 Efficient use of energy in the industrial sector : an analysis of options for selected ESCWA member states. 1
HD9502.M6282 L69 2021eb Low carbon energy in the Middle East and North Africa 1
HD9502 .M89 2019 Energy Footprints of the Energy Sector / 1
HD9502 .N3 1976 Financing energy development : proceedings of the First National Conference on Financial Requirements for Energy Development in the Western States Region / 1
HD9502 .N38 2004 Emerging threats to energy security and stability / 1
HD9502 .N38 2004eb Emerging threats to energy security and stability 1
HD9502 .N38 2005 Emerging threats to energy security and stability / 1
HD9502.N4 N47 Energy policies of IEA countries. 1
HD9502.N42 E89 2007eb Evolutionary economics and environmental policy : survival of the greenest / 1