Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9502.U52 U54 1977 The national energy plan. 1
HD9502.U52 U54 1982 The Federal government should encourage early public, regulatory, and industry cooperation in siting energy facilities report to the chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1
HD9502.U52 U548 1991 Nuclear waste quality assurance auditors need access to employee records : report to the Honorable James H. Bilbray, House of Representatives / 1
HD9502.U52 U5482 The National energy policy plan : a report to the Congress required by Title VIII of the Department of Energy Organization Act (Public law 95-91) 1
HD9502.U52 U55 1977 National energy policy : an agenda for analysis : report to the Congress / 1
HD9502.U52 U55 1977a Energy : issues facing the 95th Congress : multiagency : report to the Congress / 1
HD9502.U52 U55 2006 Department of Energy : key challenges remain for developing and deploying advanced energy technologies to meet future needs : report to Congressional Requesters / 1
HD9502.U52 U552 2002 President's national energy policy, parts 1 & 2 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy, Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, June 12 and 14, 2001. 1
HD9502.U52 U554 2009i Federal energy management agencies are taking steps to meet high-performance federal building requirements, but face challenges : report to congressional committees. 1
HD9502.U52 U5595 1985 Overview of the Department of Defense's progress in achieving energy conservation. 1
HD9502.U52 U56 2001 Reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound energy for America's future : report of the National Energy Policy Development Group. 1
HD9502.U52 U57 1977b Environmental challenges of the President's energy plan : implications for research and development : report / 1
HD9502.U52 U57 1979a Energy development project delays : six case studies : a report / 1
HD9502.U52 U57 1981 Energy natural resources, and the environment in the eighties : report of the Panel on Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment. 1
HD9502.U52 U584 1975 CTAB recommendations for a national energy program. 1
HD9502.U52 U5887 U.S. and World energy resources : prospects and priorities : proceedings of the third international conference / 2
HD9502.U52 U589 U.S. energy policy, which direction? : A round table held on June 27, 1977, and sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research / 1
HD9502.U52 U738 1982 The demand for energy and conservation in the United States / 1
HD9502.U52 U74 Dimensions of energy economics / 2
HD9502.U52 V35 2019 Empowering the great energy transition : policy for a low-carbon future / 1