Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9536.G7 P3 Patentes 13 R. 2. [...] 3. m. 4. De mineris com[m]issis Yonge. 1
HD9536.G7 .S78 Studies on the ancient silver mines at Laurion / 1
HD9536.G7 T6 The counsells warrant for searching [?] for gold and siluer thread 1
HD9536.G73 W3 The warrant dorman[t?] for gold and silver of [...] 1
HD9536.I54 B73 1997 Bre-X : gold today, gone tomorrow : anatomy of the Busang swindle / 1
HD9536.L292 ebook La sangre del sol : crónicas del oro y la plata que España sacó de América / 1
HD9536.L292 T47 2010eb A new world of gold and silver / 1
HD9536.M4 S58 1998 The gold and silver of Spanish America, c. 1572-1648 : tables showing bullion declared for taxation in colonial royal treasuries, remittances to Spain, and expenditures for defense of empire / 1
HD9536.M43 Silver mining and society in colonial Mexico : Zacatecas, 1546-1700 / 1
HD9536.M43 Z33 Silver mining and society in colonial Mexico: Zacatecas, 1546-1700,
Silver mining and society in colonial Mexico : Zacatecas, 1546-1700 /
HD9536.M44 C65  
HD9536.M44C65 Real del Monte : a British mining venture in Mexico / 1
HD9536.M653 U933 2017 Fear and fortune : spirit worlds and emerging economies in the Mongolian gold rush / 2
HD9536.N47 D38 2023 Gold rush societies and migrant networks in the Tasman World / 1
HD9536.P362 .N457 2016eb Black, white & gold : gold mining in Papua New Guinea, 1878-1930 / 3
HD9536.P42 B43 2021 Resisting extractivism : Peruvian gold, everyday violence, and the politics of attention / 1
HD9536.S6 C5 Annual report / 1
HD9536.S62 F7 1967 Investment and the return to equity capital in the South African gold mining industry, 1887-1965 : an international comparison / 1
HD9536.S62 S74 1996 The golden contradiction : a Marxist theory of gold : with particular reference to South Africa / 1
HD9536.S62 T77 2006eb The experience of economic redistribution : the growth, employment and redistribution strategy in South Africa / 1