Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9560.1 .A722 A.P.O.A. review. 1
HD9560.1 .C48 The changing economics of world energy : [discussion papers] / 1
HD9560.1 .C5 Capital investments of the world petroleum industry. 1
HD9560.1 .C57 1974 Dialogue on world oil : proceedings of a Conference on World Oil / 2
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HD9560.1 .I55 1961 Economics of petroleum exploration, development, and property evaluation; [papers] 1
HD9560.1 .I565 International petroleum encyclopedia. 1
HD9560.1 .I566 International petroleum monthly. 1
HD9560.1 .I57 1961i Economics of petroleum exploration, development, and property evaluation 1
HD9560.1 .L3 The Lamp. 1
HD9560.1 .O33 Oil and gas information / 1
HD9560.1 .O34 Oil & gas journal data book. 1
HD9560.1 .O5 Oil producers and consumers : conflict or cooperation : synthesis of an international seminar at the Center for Mediterranean Studies, Rome, June 24 to June 28, 1974 / 1
HD9560.1 .O5715 Oil, gas, coal and electricity quarterly statistics = Statistiques trimestrielles électricité, charbon, gaz et pétrole. 1
HD9560.1.O66 Oil prices and the future of OPEC : the political economy of tension and stability in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries / 1
HD9560.1.O66 A63 1991 After the oil price collapse : OPEC, the United States, and the world oil market / 2
HD9560.1.O66 A64 1986 OPEC : the failing giant / 2
HD9560.1 .O66 A64 2015 OPEC the failing giant / 1
HD9560.1.O66 A69 OPEC oil / 2
HD9560.1.O66 A697 2021 OPEC and the world's energy future : its legacy and promise / 2
HD9560.1.O66 ǂb M67 2016eb Oil prices and the future of OPEC : the political economy of tension and stability in the organization of petroleum exporting coutnries / 1