Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9560.8.A1 P48 2016eb Petroleum industry regulation within stable states / 1
HD9560.8.A1T39 2010 The Taxation of Petroleum and Minerals. 1
HD9560.8.A1 T39 2010eb The taxation of petroleum and minerals : principles, problems and practice / 1
HD9560.8.G72 Redesigning petroleum taxation : aligning government and investors in the UK / 1
HD9560.8.N72 K46 2011 The Official History of North Sea Oil and Gas. 1
HD9560.8.N72 K46 2012eb The official history of North Sea oil and gas : Vol. II : moderating the state's role / 1
HD9560.8.N82 C54 2016 Trillion dollar baby : how Norway beat the oil giants and won a lasting fortune / 1
HD9560.8.U52 The option of an oil tax to fund transportation and infrastructure /
The option of an oil tax to fund transportation and infrastructure
HD9560.8 .U52 B74 Income taxation of oil and gas production / 1
HD9560.8.U52 B87 1993 Oil & gas taxation in nontechnical language / 1
HD9560.8.U52 C73 2011 The option of an oil tax to fund transportation and infrastructure / 1
HD9560.8.U52 H3 A comparative tax study of Montana's oil industry. 1
HD9560.8.U52 L5 The oil depletion issue /
The oil depletion issue,
HD9560.8.U52 L53 1959i The oil depletion issue 1
HD9560.8.U52 M33 Federal tax treatment of income from oil and gas. : A background paper prepared for a conference of experts held October 18-19, 1962, together with a summary of the conference discussion. 1
HD9560.8.U52 R4 1983 Readings in selected tax problems of the oil industry / 1
HD9560.8.U52 W43 1986 The budgetary and economic effects of oil taxes. 1
HD9560.8.U53 A43 1988 The Alaska Petroleum Revenue Forecast System / 1
HD9560.8.U53 C28 1990 Taxing energy : oil severance taxation and the economy / 1
HD9560.8.U62 U56 1990 Tax policy : additional petroleum production tax incentives are of questionable merit : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1