Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9585.C452 O34 2009 Oficina Alianza : memoria fotográfica de una salitrera de Tarapacá, 1886-1932 = Oficina Alianza : photographic memory of a nitrate plant of Tarapacá, 1886-1932 / 1
HD9585.C453 ebook Crecimiento sin desarrollo : precios y salarios reales durante el Ciclo Salitrero en Chile (1880-1930) /
Desgarros y utopías en la pampa salitrera la consolidación de la identidad obrera en tiempos de la cuestion social, 1890-1923 /
(Pay)Pampa : la presencia boliviana e indígena en la sociedad del nitrato de Chile /
HD9585.F62 U51 Fluorspar. 1
HD9585.G9 U585 "National Gypsum," pattern for growth. 1
HD9585.G93 I735 2009 Gypsum mining and the Shirley estate in south Monaghan, 1800-1936 / 1
HD9585.G93 N27 With faith in their hearts : Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the National Gypsum Company, 1925-1950. 1
hd9585.G93 N3 Design for growth : the story of National Gypsum Company in commemoration of its 35th anniversary. 1
HD9585.G93 U51 Gypsum. 1
HD9585.G93 U64 1985 National Gypsum Company : the power of balance / 1
HD9585.G93 U66 Gypsum / 1
HD9585.M53 I533 Prospects for a mica grinding plant in India. 1
HD9585.M53 I56 Prospects for a mica grinding plant in India. 1
HD9585.M53 U58 Mica / 1
HD9585.P463 U55 Perlite / 1
HD9585.P483 U57 1983 Phosphate rock / 1
HD9585.P483 U65 2014 Stinking stones and rocks of gold : phosphate, fertilizer, and industrialization in Postbellum South Carolina / 1
HD9585.P483 U65 2014eb Stinking stones and rocks of gold : phosphate, fertilizer, and industrialization in Postbellum South Carolina / 1
HD9585.R863 A85 Black sands : a history of the mineral sand mining industry in eastern Australia / 1
HD9585.S14 E53 To the Kings most excellent Maiestie, the Lords spirituall and temporall, and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, the humble petition of Thomas Russell, Esquire 1
HD9585.S14 E53 1624 By the King a proclamation for the preseruation of grounds for making of salt-peeter, and to restore such grounds which now are destroyed, and to command assistance to be giuen to His Maiesties salt-peeter makers. 1