Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9685.C2 H36 2003eb Public power : the fight for publicly owned electricity / 1
HD9685.C2 P47 Electricity across the border: the U.S.-Canadian experience /
Electricity across the border : the U.S.-Canadian experience /
HD9685.C3 Current Affairs 1
HD9685.C3 O6 1996 Ontario Hydro at the millennium : has monopoly's moment passed? / 2
HD9685.C3O723 2010 Current Affairs. 2
HD9685.C3 Q43 Hydroelectricity and industrial development: Quebec, 1898-1940 / 1
HD9685.C32 F76 1999eb White gold : hydroelectric in Canada. 1
HD9685.C33 A43 2013 Wilderness and waterpower : how Banff National Park became a hydroelectric storage reservoir / 1
HD9685.C33 A43 2013eb Wilderness and Waterpower : How Banff National Park became a hydroelectric storage reservoir. 1
HD9685.C33 J35 1999eb Social and environmental impacts of the James Bay Hydroelectric Project / 1
HD9685.C33.O558 1999eb Cross-Currents : Hydroelectricity and the Engineering of Northern Ontario. 1
HD9685.C35 F58 2018 Fiscal and welfare impacts of electricity subsidies in Central America / 2
HD9685.C4 O5744 1992eb Power at cost : Ontario Hydro and rural electrification, 1911-1958 / 1
HD9685.C4 O5767 1996eb Ontario Hydro at the millennium : has monopoly's moment passed? / 1
HD9685.C62 Powering China: Reforming the Electric Power Industry in China : Reforming the Electric Power Industry in China /
China's electricity industry past, present and future /
Reforming the Chinese electricity supply sector lessons from global experience /
HD9685.C62 C3 Power industry in Communist China. 1
HD9685.C62 C434 1997  
HD9685.C62 I755 2011 Ichimai no yanegawara : Irie Shōtarō / 1
HD9685.C62 P65 2019 Policy, regulation and innovation in China's electricity and telecom industries / 2
HD9685.C62 P75 2000 The private sector and power generation in China. 1