Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9685.R8 C46 Ėkonomika ėnergetiki SSSR. 1
HD9685.R8 K7135 Izbrannoe. 1
HD9685.S42 U6 Report on industrial and hydroelectric power developments in Norway and Sweden. 1
HD9685 .S745 2000 Regulation, industry structure and performance in the electricity supply industry / 1
HD9685.S762 The electrification of Russia, 1880-1926 / 1
HD9685.S762 C66 1992 The electrification of Russia, 1880-1926 / 1
HD9685.S762 C66 2016 Electrification of russia, 1880-1926 1
HD9685.S82 ebook El sector eléctrico en España : la disposición a pagar de los hogares y empresas españolas por las energías renovables /
El oligopolio que domina el sistema eléctrico : consecuencias para la transición energética /
HD9685.S8422 C3 Electric power regulation in Latin America / 2
HD9685.S9 F56 1997 Elements of the Swiss market for electricity / 1
HD9685 .T3452 2013  
HD9685.T3452 2013 Tajikistan's winter energy crisis electricity supply and demand alternatives /
Tajikistan's winter energy crisis : electricity supply and demand alternatives /
HD9685.T52 T48 Thailand : promotion of electricity energy efficiency project / 1
HD9685.U32 W5 1967 Owen Falls; electricity in a developing country. 1
HD9685.U4 A28 Audit of Southeastern Power System and related activities, Corps of Engineers (civil functions), Department of the Army, and Southeastern Power Administration, Department of the Interior / 1
HD9685.U4 A4523 Statistics of publicly owned electric utilities in the United States. 1
HD9685.U4 A643 1952 A study of future power transmission for the West. 1
HD9685.U4 A646 1956a Power policy Dixon-Yates contract. : Staff report of the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly of the Committee on the Judiciary, Senate, 84th Congress, 1st session pursuant to S. Res. 61, as extended by S. Res. 170 (84th Congress) on investigation concerning the charges of monopolistic influences in the power industry. 1
HD9685.U4 A646 1962 Dixon-Yates: a study in power politics. 1
HD9685.U4 A65 1938 How cheap electricity pays its way. : TVA. 1