Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9916 .H4 Selling points of silk. 1
HD9921.5 .A27 An abstract of such parts of several statutes relating to silks called alamodes and lustrings, as may guide officers, and others, in the execution thereof; and direct all dealers in such silks, to avoid the penalties therein contained. 1
HD9921.5 .A57 1700 An answer to a paper falsly called, The case of the Company of Weavers 1
HD9921.5 .C37 The case of the Italian merchants.
The case of the Dutchess of Richmond, and others concerned in the dutie of subsidy and aulnage
HD9921.5 .C37 1695 The case of all the weavers of England except some few that are joyned with the Lutestring-Company 1
HD9921.5 .C66 Considerations humbly offered by the weavers for the bringing of fine Italian thrown silk over land.
Considerations relating to the bill for restraining the wearing India wrought silks, &c. in England.
HD9921.5 .E53 1612 By the King whereas we haue bene informed of the great fraudes and deceits vsed in dying all kindes of silke, but especially in blacke .. 1
HD9921.5 .E53 1638 By the King a proclamation for allowance of the use of hard silk in some speciall manufactures. 1
HD9921.5 .F58 Five queries humbly tender'd, relating to the bill for prohibiting the consumption of East-India silks, Bengals and printed callicoes. 1
HD9921.5 .G73 Reasons humbly offered for restraining the wearing of wrought silks, bengals, and dyed, printed, and stained callicoes, of the product and manufacture of Persia and the East-Indies, in England and our plantations. 1
HD9921.5 .L57 A list of several sorts of silks and callicoes usually imported from the East-Indies, Persia and China, prohibited to be used in England, by the bill entituled, An Act for restraining the wearing of all wrought silks, bengals dyed, printed or stained callicoes. 1
HD9921.5 .S654 1690 Some notes on the silk trad [sic], occasioned by the Turky-Company's petition to discourage the importation of thrown silk. 1
HD9921.5 .T6 To the right honourable the Commons of England assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of the master, wardens, and assistants of the Company of Silk-Throwers, London. 1
HD9921.5 .W3 The silk industry of the United Kingdom : its origin and development / 1
HD9921.5 .W67 1648 To the high court of Parliament. The humble represention of the commonaltie of the Weavers Company, wherein they humbly pray that a speedie course may be taken for their obtaining justice according to their just desires together with the charge against the mr bayliffes, and governours of the aforesaid company as it is delivered into the committee of the Star Chamber. 1
HD9921.6 M39 1697 May it please your lordships. We the retaylers of East-India silks, .. 1
HD9921.6 .R438 Reasons for incouraging the throwing of silk in this kingdom, and discouraging the importation of foreign thrown silk hither, especially over-land 1
HD9922.5 .E97 Extracts of letters from Livorno, dated the 13th of March, 1715-16, from Mess. How Gould and Gott, factors there to a merchant in London, relating to Turkey raw silk. 1
HD9922.8.P37 F37 2017 The silk industries of medieval Paris : artisanal migration, technological innovation, and gendered experience / 1
HD9922.8.P37.F376 2017 The Silk Industries of Medieval Paris : Artisanal Migration, Technological Innovation, and Gendered Experience. 1