Silk : trade and exchange along the silk roads between Rome and China in antiquity / |
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HD9926.C62 B63
The silk road / |
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HD9926.C62 B63 2005
Silk Road : monks, warriors & merchants on the Silk Road / |
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HD9926.C62 C48 1990
Zhongguo jin dai sao si gong ye shi / |
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HD9926.C62 L4
China's silk trade : traditional industry in the modern world, 1842-1937 / |
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HD9926.C62 S52 1968
Qing dai si zhi gong ye di fa zhan / |
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HD9926.C62 S5213
The silk industry in Chʻing China / |
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HD9926.C63 C55 2020
Red silk : class, gender, and revolution in China's Yangzi delta silk industry / |
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HD9926.C63 S637 1986
The South China silk district : local historical transformation and world-system theory / |
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HD9926.C63 W82 1999
One industry, two Chinas : silk filatures and peasant-family production in Wuxi County, 1865-1937 / |
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HD9926.E92 L85 1996
Silk and religion : an exploration of material life and the thought of people, AD 600-1200 / |
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HD9926.I52 K56 2005
Silk and empire / |
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HD9926.I72 H88 2019
The English East India Company's silk enterprise in Bengal, 1750-1850 : economy, empire and business / |
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HD9926.J22 I84 1972
Nihon sanshigyōshi bunseki : Nihon sangyō kakumei kenkyū joron / |
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HD9926.J22 T33
Mayu to kiito no kindaishi / |
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HD9926.J22 T34
Nihon shihon shugi to sanshigyo / |
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HD9926.J22 Y34 1980
Okaya no seishigyō : shinshū kami ichiban / |
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HD9926.J23 Y6 1958
Kaikō hyakunen kinen : Yokohama yushutsu kengyōshi / |
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HD9928.A787 M37 2020
Unravelled dreams : silk and the Atlantic world, 1500-1840 / |
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HD9929.R6E5 A33 1693
An account of what woven silks have been brought from Holland in the months of November and December, 1692. and are entered in the ports of London and Ipswich. |
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