Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9930.G73 N628 1997 The warp of Ulster's past / 1
HD9930.G73 S36 1700 A letter from a merchant in Scotland, to his correspondent in London. Relating to the duty upon Scotch-linnen. 1
HD9930 .G732 Proposals by the governour and assistants of the King and Queen's corporation, for encouraging and carrying on the linnen manufacture in England.
A short view of some probable effects of laying a duty on Scotch linnen imported.
HD9930.G74 C67 At a grand committee, or court of assistants of the King and Queen's Corporation for the Linen Manufacture in England held the ninth day of July, 1691, at Salisbury Exchange in the Strand. 2
HD9930.G8 A38 1683 Advertisement this is to give notice, that the Lord Bishop of London and other charitable persons, having raised a stock to set the poor French Protestants at work on a linnen manufacture at Ipswich : there is made by them such cloth both ordinary and extraordinary fine proper for sheeting, shifts, half-shirts, bands, handkercheifs [sic] and other uses ... to be seen and sold at the house of Thomas Papillon Esq. in Fanchurchstreet near Billiter-lane in London .. 1
HD9930.I733 T853 1997 Linen, family, and community in Tullylish, County Down, 1690-1914 / 1
HD9930 .P37 The Particular grieuances of those His Maiesties subiects throughout England and Wales, which lye vnder the oppression of George Woods patent for the sole printing vpon linnen cloth 1
HD9930.S36 D6 1700 Overture regulating the breadth and length of linnen. To His Grace James Duke of Queensberry Marquis of Dumfries-Shire, Earl of Drumlanrick, and Sancher, &c. His Majesty's High Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland, and most honourable Estates of Parliament. 1
HD9930 .S362 The case of the convention of the Royal Boroughs in Scotland, in relation to the linnen-manufactory of that country.
The true case of the Scots linnen manufacture, humbly offer'd to the consideration of the Honorable House of Commons.
The answer of the Scots linnen manufacturers to the report of the Lords Commissioners of trade and plantations; and to a paper falsly call'd, The case of the printing of linnen in Great-Britain, &c. ; humbly submitted to the consideraion of the honorable House of Commons.
HD9933.G7 V37 A history of the Midland Counties Lace Manufacturers' Association, 1915-1958 / 1
HD9933 .G732 Reasons humbly offered for passing the bill for rendring the laws more effectual for prohibiting foreign bone-lace, &c.
Reasons humbly offered for passing an act, more strictly to prohibit the importation of foreign bone-lace, &c.
HD9933.I43 W48 1982 The lace makers of Narsapur : Indian housewives produce for the world market / 1
HD9935 .E54 1697 May it please your Lordship We the embroiderers, drawers and others concerned in the further improvement of East-India Silks and other goods after their importation, humbly crave leave to represent to your Lordship, that our council informs us, that the bill now before the most noble House of Peers for restraining the wearing those goods in England, subjects all noble personages as well as commoners to an indictment for wearing therof after the first of May 1697 .. 1
HD9935.I72 B6 The Irish flowerers. 1
HD9935.S8 G4 Lage und Entwicklung der schweizerischen Stickereiindustrie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Einflüsse der europäischen Wirtschaftsintegration. 1
HD9936.5.A2 A history of the paper pattern industry : the home dressmaking fashion revolution / 1
HD9937.A2 The 2002 world market forecasts for imported knotted carpets, carpeting, and rugs / 1
HD9937.I712 H45 1993 Ties that bind : a social history of the Iranian carpet / 1
HD9937.I712 H45 1994 Ties that bind : a social history of the Iranian carpet / 1
HD9937.U5 C35 Directory and report / 1