Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9929.2.U52 U54 1984 The United States man-made fibers industry : global challenges and strategies for the future / 1
HD9929.5.E82 M3 European man-made fiber market report, 1968 / 1
HD9929.5.G72 H3 The economics of man-made fibres. 1
HD9929.5.G74 C67 Courtaulds: an economic and social history / 1
HD9929.5.R32 B53 2016eb Fake silk : the lethal history of viscose rayon /
Fake silk the lethal history of viscose rayon /
HD9929.5.R32 U55 1952 Productivity trends, 1939 to 1950 : rayon and other synthetic fibers industry / 1
HD9929.5.U62 A5 1944 The rayon industry : selected sections of a preliminary report / 1
HD9929.5.U62 A65 The location of the synthetic-fiber industry : a case study in regional analysis. 1
HD9929.5.U62 H6 The sources of increased efficiency : a study of du Pont rayon plants. 1
HD9929.5.U62 M33 Competition in the rayon industry. 1
HD9929.5.U64 C45 Celanese Corporation of America, the founders and the early years. 1
HD9930.A2 H7 The linen trade of Europe during the spinning-wheel period / 1
HD9930.A2 W2 1967eb The linen trade / 1
HD9930 .E53 1619 An abstract of His Maiesties letters pattents graunted to George Wood, for the sole printing of lynnen-cloath as followeth 1
HD9930 .E54 1694 Articles of agreement, concluded, made, and agreed on this twenty eight day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand six hundred ninety and four, between the royal free burrows, cities, and others of their Majesties antient kingdom of Scotland, who shall be pleased to subscribe, and be concerned in the Scots linen-subscription-book, for the linen-manufacture in that kingdom of the one part; and Nicolas Dupin of the city of London Esquire, in trust for the members and subscribers who shall be hereafter pleased to subscribe, and be concerned in the aforesaid linen-manufacture in England, of the other part. 1
HD9930.G33 N67 Leinengewerbe und Leinenhandel in Nordwestdeutschland (1650-1850) / 1
HD9930.G33 W48 1685 Whereas there is an act now in force, prohibiting several French commodies which did at first encourage some persons to endeavour the promotion of the linnen manufacture in some parts of this kingdom .. 1
HD9930.G73 E54 1985 The East Anglian linen industry : rural industry and local economy, 1500-1850 / 1
HD9930.G73 M35 Marshalls of Leeds, flax-spinners, 1788-1886. 1
HD9930.G73 N625 1983 Linen on the green : an Irish mill village, 1730-1982 / 1