Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD9999.C94733 Creative and cultural industries in East Asia : an introduction / 1
HD9999.C95 U5 1939 Pocket cutlery : a survey of the pocket cutlery industries of the United States, Germany, and Great Britain, and of international trade, with particular reference to factors essential to tariff consideration : under the general provisions of Section 332, Title III, Part II, Tariff Act of 1930. 1
HD9999.C953 U57 A history of the cutlery industry in the Connecticut Valley. 1
HD9999.C9742 O984 2015 The Oxford handbook of creative industries / 1
HD9999.D4 H554 The dyeing industry / 1
HD9999.D622 Built from scratch : how a couple of regular guys grew the home depot from nothing to $30 billion / 2
HD9999.D622 T934 2002eb The 2000-2005 world outlook for auto and home supply stores. 1
HD9999.D624 H657 1999 Inside Home Depot : how one company revolutionized an industry through the relentless pursuit of growth / 1
HD9999.D624 H657 1999eb Inside Home Depot : how one company revolutionized an industry through the relentless pursuit of growth / 2
HD9999.D9 M38 2012 The materiality of color : the production, circulation, and application of dyes and pigments, 1400-1800 / 1
HD9999.D9 U5 Synthetic organic chemicals. 1
HD9999.E78 M3 1955 "Magnum opus," : a world treasury of fragrance and flavor. 1
HD9999.E783 Natural flavors, fragrances, and perfumes : chemistry, production, and sensory approach / 1
HD9999.E783 U6 2020eb Peppermint kings : a rural american history /
Peppermint kings a rural american history
HD9999.F33 U6 1990i Fastener Quality Act P.L. 101-592, 104 Stat. 2943, November 16, 1990 / 1
HD9999.F34 L33 Lamson & Sessions : starting a second century of industrial fastener development and production / 1
HD9999.F34 S5 1985 Signode : 75 years and beyond / 1
HD9999.F34 T32 Talon, inc. : a romance of achievement / 1
HD9999.F34 T337 "The lengthened shadow of a man," : Colonel Lewis Walker, 1855-1938. 1
HD9999.F462 S88 2005 Profile of the international filtration & separation industry market prospects to 2009. 1