HE 17.311:P 96/973
Publications of the Administration on Aging. |
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HE 17.313:P 69
A plan to span : work-study in social gerontology, a demonstration project at the University of Denver / |
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HE 17.402:B 43/973
Bendex: beneficiary data exchange : a model system. |
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HE 17.402:B 43/976
BENDEX beneficiary data exchange : a model system. |
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HE 17.402:C 43/975
AFDC : aid to families with dependent children. |
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HE 17.402:P 96/3
QC, quality control in public assistance. |
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HE 17.402:W 89
Work measurement and work simplification : design for organization, implementation, and management of a work study program / |
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HE 17.402:W 89/3
National Workshops for Trainers of Income Maintenance Staff, March-June 1976. |
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HE 17.408/2:B 22
Bank distribution systems for assistance payments. |
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HE 17.408/2:C 43
Child support payments control, Massachusetts and Washington. |
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HE 17.408/2:ER 7
Use of error profiles and management controls for improving program operations : West Virginia. |
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HE 17.408/2:F 86
Fraud control, California and New York. |
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HE 17.408/2:IN 2
Managing the intake process : a "how-they-do-it" illustration describing the intake systems in Washington State and Hennepin County, Minnesota. |
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HE 17.408/2:P 56
A photo-identification card system for welfare recipients : a "how-they-do-it" illustration describing the photo-identification system in New York. |
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HE 17.408/2:ST 2
State monitoring of local office performance : a "How-they-do-it" illustration describing the state monitoring systems in the states of Washington and Maine. |
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HE 17.408/2:St 2/2
Managing a State income maintenance staff training program, Texas and Florida. |
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HE 17.408/2:SU 7
Supervisory case review system : Minnesota. |
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HE 17.408/2:Su 7/2
Local supervisory review of case actions : a "how-to-do-it" illustration describing the supervisory review system in New Mexico. |
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HE 17.408/2:W 12
Wage record clearance systems, Colorado, Oklahoma. |
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HE 17.408:F 48
Study guide for films on essential elements of interviewing : a series of six films ... / |
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