Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE 20.402:H 41/2 Hepatitis C/HIV in Native American populations. 1
HE 20.402:H 41/COMIC Take action against hepatitis C. 1
HE 20.402:H 41/GUIDE Take action against hepatitis C. 1
HE 20.402:H 43 Heroin : what's the real dope? 1
HE 20.402:H 43Ab Heroin abuse in the United States / 1
HE 20.402:H 53 Cooperative agreement for establishing a mentoring/advocacy program for high risk youth and their families. 1
HE 20.402:H 62/2/KIT/SPAN Hablemos en confianza Let us speak in confidence. 1
HE 20.402:H 62/3/SPAN Vamos a jugar... : con actividades que ayuden a nuestros hijos a crecer saludables. 1
HE 20.402:H 62/4 The opioid crisis and the Hispanic/Latino population : an urgent issue. 1
HE 20.402:H 62/ENG.-SPAN A toolkit for Hispanic/Latino community groups : organizing Hispanic/Latino communities for the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use. 1
HE 20.402:H 64 HIV prevention bulletin : medical advice for persons who inject illicit drugs. 1
HE 20.402:H 81 National household survey on drug abuse : rural population estimates 1994 / 1
HE 20.402:H 81/2 The development and implementation of a new data collection instrument for the 1994 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse / 1
HE 20.402:H 88 Education in HIV/AIDS program : mental health care provider. 1
HE 20.402:H 88/2/KIT HIV/AIDS mental health services demonstration program : a collaborative program dedicated to the memory of Bill Bailey / 1
HE 20.402:IN 2 After incarceration : a guide to helping women reenter the community. 1
HE 20.402:IN 8 Dangerous drug interactions. 1
HE 20.402:INTERNET National recovery month. 1
HE 20.402:L 11 Before you label people, look at their contents. 1
HE 20.402:L 11/SPAN Conozca a las personas antes de juzgarlas 1