HE 20.6002:Sch 6/data/974-79
Schools of public health : educational data project, 1974-1979. |
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HE 20.6002:Sci 2/974-75
1974-75 HRA scientific colloquium series summary / |
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HE 20.6002:Se 4
Development of a self-assessment examination for physician assistants / |
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HE 20.6002:So 1/v.1-4
Societal factors and excess hospital beds : an exploratory study / |
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HE 20.6002:So 4
Solar energy for health care institutions / |
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HE 20.6002:So 4/2
Solar energy systems in health facilities. |
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HE 20.6002:So 4/3
Criteria for design review and licensure surveys of solar systems in health care facilities. |
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HE 20.6002:Sp 3
An Analysis of the content of specialty practices and their service capacities / |
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HE 20.6002:Sp 3/executive sum
An analysis of the content of specialty practices and their service capacities : executive summary / |
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HE 20.6002:St 1
Final report : evaluation of the impact of PHS programs on State health goals and activities / prepared by Miller and Byrne, Inc. |
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HE20.6002:St 9
Health resources studies : an analysis of State and regional health regulations. |
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HE 20.6002:W 84
A study of the participation of women in the health care industry labor force : executive summary. |
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HE 20.6002:W 89
International Conference on Women in Health : sex roles in the health sector, June 16-18, 1975, Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C. / |
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HE 20.6002:W 89/2
HRA Council for Women & Health. |
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HE 20.6002:W 89/chart book
Women in health careers, status of women in health careers in the United States and other selected countries / |
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HE 20.6008:D 43
Portable dentistry for the homebound or handicapped patent (aged, institutionalized, or chronically ill) / |
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HE 20.6008:Ex 5
Exit interview : a guide for repayment, deferments, and cancellation of health professions student loans. |
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HE 20.6008:H 34/2
How to shop for health insurance. |
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HE 20.6008:H 34/3
The national guidelines for health planning : standards regarding the appropriate supply, distribution and organization of health resources. |
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HE 20.6008:H 34/4
How to keep your family's health records. |
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