Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE 20.7030:00-4170 Developing action plans : feedback for criterion test. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4172 Investigating infection problems : feedback for criterion test. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4173 Implementing preventive patient-care practices : feedback for criterion test. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4211 Organizing and analyzing surveillance data : module 1. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4212 Identifying the potential for occurrence of disease : module 2. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4213 Reporting the potential for occurrence of disease : module 3. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4214 Beginning the investigation : module 4. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4215 Developing case investigation forms : module 5. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4216 Preventing transmission of the agent from cases and contacts : module 6. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4217 Formulating case definitions and identifying cases for analysis : module 7. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4218 Characterizing the multiple-case outbreak : module 8. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4219 Formulating and testing hypotheses : module 9. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4221 Analyzing effectiveness of control efforts : module 11. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4222 Reporting the results of case investigations : module 12. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4223 Preparing summary disease surveillance reports : module 13. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4224 Organizing and analyzing surveillance data : module 1. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4225 Identifying the potential for occurrence of disease : module 2. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4227 Beginning the investigation : module 4. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4228 Developing case investigation forms : module 5. 1
HE 20.7030:00-4229 Preventing transmission from cases and contacts : vaccine-preventable diseases : criterion test, instructions, answer sheets (parts I and II) : module 6. 1