Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE 20.7062:P 92/3 Prescription painkiller overdoses in the US. 1
HE 20.7062:SM 7 Adult smoking : focusing on people with mental illness. 1
HE 20.7062:SM 7/2 Adult smoking in the US. 1
HE 20.7062:SM 7/3 Tobacco use : smoking & secondhand smoke. 1
HE 20.7062:SO 1 Where's the sodium? : there's too much in many common foods. 1
HE 20.7062:T 22 Preventing repeat teen births. 1
HE 20.7062:T 22/2 Preventing teen pregnancy in the US. 1
HE 20.7062:T 22/SPAN Prevención de nuevos embarazos en madres adolescentes. 1
HE 20.7062:W 15 More people walk to better health. 1
HE 20.7063: Breastfeeding report card, United States. 1
HE 20.7064: State indicator report on fruits and vegetables. 1
HE 20.7065: CDC TRAIN. 1
HE 20.7066: CDC learning connection / 1
HE 20.7067: Surveillance of invasive bacterial disease in Alaska. 1
HE 20.7068: Coronavirus (COVID-19) /
Koronabaireos (COVID-19) /
Guan zhuang bing du (COVID-19) /
Vi-rút corona (COVID-19) /
HE 20.7068/2: COVIDView : a weekly surveillance summary of U.S. COVID-19 activity. 1
HE 20.7068/3:
HE 20.7069: Youth online / 1
HE 20.7069/2: YRBS data summary & trends / 1
HE 20.7070: Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics / 1