Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE 20.7615:T 55 A report of the Surgeon General how tobacco smoke causes disease : what it means to you. 1
HE 20.7615:W 84 Women and smoking : a report of the Surgeon General. 1
HE 20.7615:W 84/EXEC.SUM Women and smoking : a report of the Surgeon General : executive summary. 1
HE 20.7615:W 84/GLANCE Women and smoking : a report of the Surgeon General--2001 : at a glance. 1
HE 20.7615:Y 8 Preventing tobacco use among young people : a report of the Surgeon General. 1
HE 20.7615:Y 8/2012 Preventing tobacco use among youth and young adults a report of the Surgeon General. 1
HE 20.7615:Y 8/2012/CONSUMER A report of the Surgeon General preventing tobacco use among youth and young adults. 1
HE 20.7615:Y 8/2012/EXEC.SUM Preventing tobacco use among youth and young adults a report of the Surgeon General : executive summary. 1
HE 20.7615:Y 8/EXEC.SUM Preventing tobacco use among young people : a report of the Surgeon General : executive summary. 1
HE 20.7615:Y 8/EXEC.SUM. Preventing tobacco use among young people : a report of the Surgeon General : executive summary. 1
HE 20.7615:Y 8/GLANCE Preventing tobacco use among young people : a report of the Surgeon General : at a glance. 1
HE 20.7616: CDP file / 1
HE 20.7617: Chronic disease notes & reports.
Chronic disease notes & reports : CDNR.
HE 20.7618: Assisted reproductive technology success rates : national summary and fertility clinic reports / 1
HE 20.7619: The Burden of chronic diseases and their risk factors
The Burden of chronic diseases and their risk factors.
Chronic diseases and their risk factors.
HE 20.7621: CPONDER CDC's PRAMS on-line data for epidemiologic research.
PRAMS ... surveillance report, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
PRAMS ... surveillance report, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System.
HE 20.7622:AD 9 Adult cigarette smoking in the United States current estimates. 1
HE 20.7622:AM 3 American Indian adult tobacco survey 1
HE 20.7622:B 46 Betel quid with tobacco (gutka) 1
HE 20.7622:B 47 Bidis and kreteks 1