Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE 23.1202:IM 7/SPAN El impacto de la adopción en las personas adoptadas 1
HE 23.1202:In 2 American Indian law : relationship to child abuse and neglect / 1
HE 23.1202:In 3 Infant care. 1
HE 23.1202:In 8 Beyond intake : the first ninety days / 1
HE 23.1202:IN 8/2 Determining the best interests of the child summary of state laws. 1
HE 23.1202:INTERNET Child welfare information gateway. 1
HE 23.1202:K 62 Kinship caregivers and the child welfare system. 1
HE 23.1202:K 62/SPAN Cuidadores familiares y el sistema de bienestar infantil 1
HE 23.1202:L 61/980 Licensing : interaction between the licensing staff and service providers. 1
HE 23.1202:M 29 Child maltreatment prevention past, present, and future. 1
HE 23.1202:M 52 Mental health in Head Start : a wellness approach / 1
HE 23.1202:M 58/exec.sum Migrant child welfare : a state of the field study of child welfare services for migrant children and their families who are in-stream, home based, or settled-out : executive summary / 1
HE 23.1202:M 58/final Migrant child welfare : a state of the field study of child welfare services for migrant children and their families who are in-stream, home based, or settled-out / 1
HE 23.1202:M 58/review Migrant child welfare : a review of the literature and legislation / 1
HE 23.1202:N 31 Child neglect demonstration projects. 1
HE 23.1202:N 42 A new day, a new way for children. 1
HE 23.1202:OP 7/SPAN Opciones para la adopción 1
HE 23.1202:P 53/2/SPAN El impacto de la adopción en los padres biológicos 1
HE 23.1202:P 84 Postadoption services 1
HE 23.1202:P 91/2 Are you pregnant and thinking about adoption? 1