Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HE 23.1210:R 29/2/ | Making and screening reports of child abuse and neglect : current through ... / | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 29/3/ | Mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect : current through ... / | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 29/4/ | Penalties for failure to report and false reporting of child abuse and neglect : current through ... / | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 29/5/ | Representation of children in child abuse and neglect proceedings : current through ... / | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 31 | Child abuse and neglect in residential institutions : selected readings on prevention, investigation, and correction. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 31/1/leader | Leader's manual : a curriculum on child abuse and neglect / | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 31/2 | Resource materials : a curriculum on child abuse and neglect / | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 31/4 | Partnering with birth parents to promote reunification. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 31/4/SPAN | Colaborando con padres biológicos para promover la reunificación. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 31/5 | Partnering with relatives to promote reunification. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 31/5/SPAN | Colaborando con parientes para promover la reunificación. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 44 | The rights of unmarried fathers : state statutes current through January 2014 / | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 88 | Rural child welfare practice / | 1 |
HE 23.1210:R 88/2018 | Rural child welfare practice. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:SCR 2 | Screening and assessment for family engagement, retention, and recovery (SAFERR ) / | 1 |
HE 23.1210:SE 6 | In-home services to strengthen children and families. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:SE 8 | Study findings - National Study of the Incidence and Severity of Child Abuse and Neglect. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:Se 8 | National study of the incidence and severity of child abuse and neglect : study findings. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:Se 8/2 | Study methodology : national study of the incidence and severity of child abuse and neglect. | 1 |
HE 23.1210:SE 8/988 |
Study findings : Study of National Incidence and Prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect : 1988. Study findings - Study of National Incidence and Prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect, 1988. |
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