Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE131 .W554 Economic analysis for transportation : a guide for decision makers. 1
HE136 .W5 Essays on some unsettled questions in the economics of transportation. 1
HE141 A supplementary dictionary of transport studies /
The dictionary of transport and logistics /
Encyclopedia of transportation : social science and policy /
HE141 .N37 1978 Glossary of urban public transportation terms / 1
HE141 .T69 Transportation-logistics dictionary. 1
HE141 .T7 2000 Supply chain and transportation dictionary / 1
HE141 .U557 1991 Catalogue of transport studies, 1970-1990 : unpublished studies and reports with abstracts by organizations of the United Nations System. 1
HE141 .U74 1989 Urban public transportation glossary / 1
HE147 .T7 1996 Transportation expressions 1996. 1
HE147 .T73  
HE147.5 A guidebook for sustainability performance measurement for transportation agencies
Modeling of transport demand : analyzing, calculating, and forecasting transport demand /
Moving times : mobility of the future /
Epidemic risk analysis and assessment in transport services : COVID-19 and other viruses /
The accelerating transport innovation revolution : a global, case study-based assessment of current experience, cross-sectorial effects, and socioeconomic transformations /
Transport Revolutions : Moving People and Freight Without Oil /
HE147.5 .C35 2010 Transport, environment and society / 1
HE147.5 .C37 2015 Activity-based travel demand models : a primer / 1
HE147.5.E45 2010 Mobile Lives. 1
HE147.5 .E45 2010eb Mobile lives 1
HE147.5 .G37 2000 Tomorrow's transportation : changing cities, economies, and lives / 1
HE147.5 .G37 2000eb Tomorrow's transportation changing cities, economies, and lives /
Tomorrow's transportation : changing cities, economies, and lives /
HE147.5 .G55 2008 Transport revolutions : moving people and freight without oil / 1
HE147.5 .G55 2008eb Transport revolutions : moving people and freight without oil / 2
HE147.5 .G55 2010 Transport revolutions : moving people and freight without oil / 1