Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE215 .G539 1938eb A history of transportation in Canada. 2
HE215 .P87 Transport competition and public policy in Canada / 1
HE216.A2 Japanese Direct Investment in Mexico's Transport Equipment Sector : Macro Impact and Local Responses / 1
HE216 .L64 Historia y pensamiento económico de México : comunicaciones y transportes relaciones de trabajo / 1
HE216.Z7 ebook Desarrollo urbano-ambiental y movilidad en la Ciudad de México / 1
HE216.Z7 ebook SF312 ebook El arte de la carrocería en Nueva España : el gremio de la Ciudad de México, sus ordenanzas y la trascendencia social del coche / 1
HE220.A2 .H66 2010 Honduras Media, Internet & Telecommunications Complete Profile : This All-Inclusive Profile Includes All Three of Our Communications Reports. 1
HE230.A1 S7 Transportation and economic development in Latin America / 1
HE230 .B7 Transport and the economic integration of South America / 1
HE231.Z7 P444 1998 El sistema pehuenche : frontera, sociedad y caminos en los Andes Centrales argentino-chilenos (1658-1997) / 1
HE233 .O44 1979 Transportes no Brasil : compatibilização e otimização do uso das vias / 1
HE233.Z7 S45 Routes over the Serra do Mar : the evolution of transportation in the highlands of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. 1
HE234.Z7 La ciudad de movimiento : estudios historicos sobre transporte colectivo y movilidad en Santiago de Chile, siglos XIX y XX. 1
HE235 Movilidad en el Caribe el ferrocarril de Cartagena y el Canal del Dique, siglos XIX y XX. 1
HE235 .H37 1983 Roads to reason : transportation, administration, and rationality in Colombia / 1
HE242 Wegekostenfinanzierung und Lenkung im deregulierten europäischen Verkehrsmarkt /
White paper on transport roadmap to a single European transport area--towards a competitive and resource-efficient transport system /
La politica dei trasporti in Europa : verso uno spazio unico?.
Mega transport infrastructure planning : European corridors in local-regional perspective /
HE242.A1 E7 no. 83 Report of the eighty-third Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 7th-8th December 1989 on the following topic : the role of the state in a deregulated transport market. 1
HE242.A1 E7 no. 84 Report of the Eighty-Fourth Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 1st-2nd February 1990 on the following topic: deregulation of freight transport. 1
HE242.A1 E7 no. 86 Report of the Eighty-Sixth Round Table on Transport Economics : held in Paris, France on 7th-8th June 1990 on the following topic: evaluating investment in transport infrastructure. 1
HE242.A1 E7 no. 87 Report of the Eighty-Seventh Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 16th-17th May 1991 on the following topic, high-speed trains. 1