Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE336.C64 Urban redevelopment and traffic congestion management strategies /
Economic and environmental cost of traffic congestion in India /
Traffic congestion control by PDE backstepping /
HE336.C64 A52 2000 Reducing and mitigating impacts of lane occupancy during construction and maintenance / 1
HE336.C64 C37 2003 Transportation planning and management for special events / 1
HE336.C64 C64 1996 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program review : final report / 1
HE336.C64 D49 1995 Developing effective congestion management systems : four case studies. 1
HE336.C64 F35 2015eb Road traffic congestion : a concise guide / 1
HE336.C64 F43 2011 Feasibility of using in-vehicle video data to explore how to modify driver behavior that causes nonrecurring congestion / 1
HE336.C64 I47 2016 The implementation and effectiveness of transport demand management measures : an international perspective / 1
HE336.C64 J36 1995 Dynamic traffic modelling of the I-25/HOV corridor / 1
HE336.C64 K73 1999 Transportation management center functions / 1
HE336.C64 M365 2007 Managing urban traffic congestion 1
HE336.C64 M38 2006 Mathematical and computational models for congestion charging / 1
HE336.C64 M38 2006eb Mathematical and computational models for congestion charging 1
HE336.C64 N68 2003 DVD Nowhere fast! 1
HE336.C64 O97 1999 Incident management in intelligent transportation systems / 1
HE336.C64 P87 2014 Design guide for addressing nonrecurrent congestion / 1
HE336.C64 P872 2015 Further development of the safety and congestion relationship for urban freeways / 1
HE336.C64 R67 1990 Freeway incident management / 1
HE336.C64 R68 1996 Report of the hundred and fifth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 7th-8th November 1996 on the following topic : infrastructure-induced mobility. 1
HE336.C64 S88 2015 Gridlock : congested cities, contested policies, unsustainable mobility / 1