Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE336.T7 H5 1996 Highway capacity analysis for interrupted and uninterrupted flow facilities / 1
HE336.T7 K47 2004 The physics of traffic : empirical freeway pattern features, engineering applications, and theory / 1
HE336.T7 K47 2021 Understanding real traffic : paradigm shift in transportation science / 1
HE336.T7 K476 2009eb Introduction to modern traffic flow theory and control the long road to three-phase traffic theory / 1
HE336.T7 K74 2017eb Breakdown in traffic networks fundamentals of transportation science / 1
HE336.T7 L64 2014 Permanent signs mounted on median barriers / 1
HE336.T7 L65 2001x Monitoring urban roadways : using archived operations data for reliability and mobility measurement / 1
HE336.T7 L773 2014 Guide to establishing monitoring programs for travel time reliability / 1
HE336.T7 M68 1998 Motorway traffic flow analysis : new methodologies and recent empirical findings / 1
HE336.T7 N48 Traffic flow on transportation networks / 1
HE336.T7 P36 1983 Applications of automatic control concepts to traffic flow modeling and control / 1
HE336.T7 P36 1983eb Applications of automatic control concepts to traffic flow modeling and control 1
HE336.T7 P74 2022 Present approach to traffic flow theory and research in civil and transportation engineering / 1
HE336.T7 R67 2013 Macroscopic models for vehicular flows and crowd dynamics : theory and applications : Classical and non-classical advanced mathematics for real life applications / 1
HE336.T7 S68 1996 Control of freeway traffic flow / 1
HE336.T7 T7 1993 Traffic flow and highway capacity / 1
HE336.T7 T717 2014 Traffic simulation and data : validation methods and applications / 2
HE336.T7 T7212 1995x Traffic flow theory and characteristics with applications for intelligent transportation system technologies. 1
HE336.T7 T73 1998 Transportation networks : recent methodological advances : selected proceedings of the 4th EURO Transportation Meeting / 1
HE336.T7 T735 2002 Travel behaviour : spatial patterns, congestion and modelling / 1