HE4461 .U54 1993
High-speed ground transportation issues affecting development in the United States : report to the Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / |
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Electric interurbans and the American people / |
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HE4471 .M5 1960
Fares, please! : A popular history of trolleys, horse-cars, street-cars, buses, elevateds, and subways. |
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HE4487.M4 M3
The street railway in Massachusetts : the rise and decline of an industry. |
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HE4491.A75 G46
Downtown Atlanta radial transit : a graduate project in complex systems design / |
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HE4491.A83 M477
The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) as a case in urban mass transit : a selected bibliography / |
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HE4491.B71 W55
Boulder Valley transportation study : final summary report / |
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HE4491.B761 R43
Design and construction of park-n-ride facilities in Boulder, Colorado / |
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HE 4491.B761 R48 1976
Transit element, Boulder transportation plan / |
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HE 4491.B766
Interim report on public transportation : contract DOT-OS-30100 / |
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HE 4491.B766 B3
Final report on phase I of public transportation implementation strategies / |
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HE 4491.B766 Y 67
Interim report on public transportation : contract DOT-OS-30100 / |
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HE4491.C5 C64
Report on the values of the properties of the Chicago consolidated traction company inside the city limits / |
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HE4491.C5 C8788 1998
Chicago Transit : an illustrated history / |
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HE4491.C572 T66 1996
Horse trails to regional rails : the story of public transit in greater Cleveland / |
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HE4491.C6 S67 1999
Southeast Corridor DEIS / |
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HE4491.D4 C652
A program for public transit service for Colorado's Regional Transportation District. |
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HE4491.D4 C656
RTD public transportation alternatives : report and recommendations / |
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HE4491.D4 D3com
Comparison of light rail and bus transit systems for the Regional Transportation District / |
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HE4491.D4 D3eval
Evaluation and recommendation : candidate corridors for initial implementation of light rail transit / |
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