Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE6942.A1 B9 1608 By the King, orders for the postes of our realmes and for all men to obserue and obey in the speedy carriage of packets, directed for our affaires. 1
HE6942.A1 B9 1609 By the King whereas heretofore sundry wayes haue bene deuised to redresse the disorders among the postes of our realme .. 1
HE6942.A1 B9 1621 By the King, orders for thorow-posts, and curriers, riding in post in our affaires
By the King, orders for the postes of our realmes and for all men to obserue and obey in the speedie cariage of packets, directed for our affaires.
HE6942.A1 E53 1604 Orders for thorow posts, and curriers, riding in post in our affaires 1
HE6942.A1 E53 1616 Whereas it hath pleased His Maiestie by his proclamation bearing date the xv. of May 1609. to publish his pleasure touching the ordinary posts of this realme ... 1
HE6942.A1 E53 1623 Iames, by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defendour of the faith, &c. to all, to whome these presents shall come, greeting where as, in, and by certaine letters patents ... did thereby for us, our heires and successours, giue and grant vnto the said Matthew de Questor, and Matthew de Questor his sonne, the ... office or place of postmaster of England for foraine parts ..
By the King an abstract of His Maiesties letters patents, bearing date the nineteenth day of December, in the one and twentieth yeere of His Maiesties reigne of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the seuen and fiftieth, containing a declaration of His Maiesties pleasure for confirming of former letters patents, granted to Matthew de Questor Esquier, and Matthew de Questor his sonne, of the office of postmaster for forraine parts.
HE6942.A1 E55 1669 Wheras His Majesty taking notice of the daily infringement of the act of Parliament (for establishing a letter-office) by common carryers of goods &c. was pleased to issue forth his proclamation to inforce the execution of the said act amongst other things injoynd the post-master-general to settle fit correspondencies between the most considerable market-towns and the respective post-stages in England and Wales for conveyance of letters in post, to supply the pretended convenience by such common carryers, the same is now accordingly done.
Wheras His Majesty taking notice of the daily infringement of the act of Parliament (for establishing a letter-office) by common carryers of goods &c. was pleased to issue forth his proclamation to inforce the execution of the said act amongst other things injoynd the post-master-general to settle fit correspondencies between the most considerable market-towns and the respective post-stages in England and Wales for conveyance of letters in post, to supply the pretended convenience by such common carryers, the same is now accordingly done ..
HE6942.Al E53 1604 By the King orders forthe [sic] posts of our realmes, and for all men to obserue and obey in the speedy carriage of packets, directed for our affaires. 1
HE6945 A History of the Post in England from the Romans to the Stuarts. 1
HE6945 .B4 1998 A history of the post in England from the Romans to the Stuarts / 1
HE6945 .E53 1660 From his Majesties general post-office in London notice is hereby given unto all gentlemen, merchants, traders, and others, that Henry Bishop Esq., His Majesties post-master general .. 1
HE6945 .E54 1637 By the King. A proclamation concerning the carrying and recarrying of letters, aswell within his Majesties realmes and dominions, as into and from forreigne parts. 1
HE6945 .T6 1662 To the Honourable, the Commons of England assembled in Parliament. The humble petition of Samuel Northcot, Thomas Stride, William Swetnam, William Greene, Robert Hutchins, and James Ware, for and on the behalf of themselves and the rest of the old post-masters of England, Wales and Ireland, &c. 1
HE6946.L6 (INTERNET) A brief director for those that would send their letters to any parts of England, Scotlaud, or Ireland, or, A list of all the carriers, waggoners coaches, posts, ships, barks, hoys, and passage-boats, that come to London, from the most parts and places, by land & sea Alphabetically printed, so that none may pretend ignorance, who would gladly send, but know not where to carry their letters. With the dayes when they come, and when they return. 1
HE6949 .F67 For information to all people where to deliver their letters by the penny post the following list is an account of the several houses within the city and liberty of Westminster to Temple-Bar without, and some adjacent parts, appointed by the undertakers for receiving letters and pacquets under a pound weight, to be conveyed to all or any part of the said city : as also of London, and all the weekly bills of mortality. 2
HE6955 .E35 1634 Iniunctions set dovvn by the L. Prouest Bailzies and Counsel of Edinburgh to be obserued by the stablers within the famyne in time comming. 1
HE6955 .H35 Three centuries of Scottish posts: an historical survey to 1836
Three centuries of Scottish posts : an historical survey to 1836 /
HE6962.A1 W37 1683 These are to give notice, that from the 25th of this instant June, the post will pass thrice a week betwixt England and Ireland, and in like manner betwixt Dublin and the several post-stages in the country 2
HE6965 .W3 The royal mail to Ireland, or, An account of the origin and development of the post between London and Ireland through Holyhead, and the use of the line of communication by travellers / 1
HE6966.B3 E3 The Battle of Baltinglass. 1