Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE7631 .W37 1998 World-class telecommunications service development / 1
HE7631 .W46 2013eb Connecting the nineteenth-century world : the telegraph and globalization / 2
HE7631 .W48 1999 World telecommunications economics / 1
HE7631 .W53 1981 Electronic nightmare : the new communications and freedom / 1
HE7631 .W535 2001eb The political economy of global communication : an introduction / 1
HE7631 .W54 1982 The communications revolution / 1
HE7631 .W55 1987 Technology and communication behavior / 1
HE7631 .W66 World telecommunication indicators database 1
HE7631.W665 1994 World telecommunication development report 1994 : globalisation, technology, restructuring, development. 1
HE7631 W67eb vol. 17, no. 1 Worldwide telecom. 1
HE7631 .W8 2010 The master switch : the rise and fall of information empires / 1
HE7631 .W8 2011 The master switch : the rise and fall of information empires / 1
HE7631 ǂb N516 2003eb Under the Wire / 1
HE7631 ǂb N516 2003eb Under the Wire / 1
HE7645 Telephony, the Internet, and the media : selected papers from the 1997 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference /
Debates Shaping Spectrum Policy.
Radio spectrum management : policies, regulations and techniques /
Policy and marketing strategies for digital media /
The new international telecommunication regulations and the internet : a commentary and legislative history /
From net neutrality to ICT neutrality /
Net neutrality and the struggle for the open internet /
Locating emerging media /
Net neutrality and the battle for the open internet /
HE7645 .A45 2021eb Farm fresh broadband : the politics of rural connectivity / 1
HE7645 .A76 2017 Digital DNA : disruption and the challenges for global governance / 1
HE7645 .B36 1996 La déréglementation des télécommunications dans les grands pays industriels / 1
HE7645 .B4896 2013eb Beyond Broadband Access : Developing Data-Based Information Policy Strategies /
Beyond broadband access : developing data-based information policy strategies /
HE7645 .B55 2002 Regulation and entry into telecommunications markets / 2