Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE8700.76.I4R34 2001 HE8700.76.I4 R34 2001eb Politics after Television : Hindu Nationalism and the Reshaping of the Public in India. 1
HE8700.76.I4 R34 2001eb Politics after television religious nationalism and the reshaping of the Indian public /
Politics after television : religious nationalism and the reshaping of the Indian public /
HE8700.76.L29 T45 1993 Television, politics, and the transition to democracy in Latin America / 2
HE8700.76.R8 B87 2011eb Television and presidential power in Putin's Russia 1
HE8700.76.S7 V171 2011eb Sátira televisiva y democracia en España la popularización de la información política a través de la sátira /
Sátira televisiva y democracia en España : la popularización de la información política a través de la sátira /
HE8700.76.U6 The Sound Bite Society : How Television Helps the Right and Hurts the Left /
Entertaining politics : satiric television and political engagement /
Television and the crisis of democracy /
HE8700.76.U6 A44 2022 American television during a television presidency / 1
HE8700.76.U6 B76 1987 A horse of a different color : television's treatment of Jesse Jackson's 1984 presidential campaign / 1
HE8700.76.U6 B76 2023  
HE8700.76.U6 D39 2011eb Satire and dissent : interventions in contemporary political debate / 1
HE8700.76.U6 D68 2006 Images, issues, and attacks : television advertising by incumbents and challengers in presidential elections / 1
HE8700.76.U6 F66 1990 Television access and political power : the networks, the presidency, and the "loyal opposition" / 1
HE8700.76.U6 H37 1994 Seducing America : how television charms the modern voter / 1
HE8700.76.U6 H37 1999 Seducing America : how television charms the modern voter /
Seducing America : How Television Charms the Modern Voter.
HE8700.76.U6 H37 1999eb Seducing America how television charms the modern voter / 1
HE8700.76.U6 H65 1985 Video democracy : the vote-from-home revolution / 1
HE8700.76.U6 J66 2005 Entertaining politics : new political television and civic culture / 1
HE8700.76.U6 J663 2010 Entertaining politics : satiric television and political engagement / 2
HE8700.76.U6 K45 1990 Television and the crisis of democracy / 1
HE8700.76.U6 K47 1989 30-second politics : political advertising in the eighties / 1