Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1003.O453 D416 1990 Usure, compere e vendite : la scienza economica del XIII secolo / 1
HF1005 .C37 1691 The case of the corporations of England in reference to the pedler's, truly represented, and humbly offered to the consideration of parliment 1
HF1005 .P65 Selected works.
Selected works. --
HF1005 .R6 1677 The merchants map of commerce : wherein the universal manner and matter of trade is compendiously handled, the standard and current coins of sundry princes observed, the real and imaginary coins of accounts and exchanges expressed, the natural and artificial commodities of all countreys for transportation declared, the weights and measures of all eminent cities and towns of traffick, collected and reduced one into another, and all to the meridian of commerce practised in the famous city of London / 1
HF1005 .R64 The merchants map of commerce : wherein the universal manner and matter relating to trade and merchandize are fully treated of, the standard and current coins of most princes and republicks observ'd, the real and imaginary coins of accounts and exchanges express'd ; the natural products and artificial commodities and manufactures for transportation declar'd ; the weights and measures of all eminent cities and towns of traffick in the universe, collected one into another; and all re-traffick in the universe, collected one into another; and all reduc'd to the meridian of commerce practis'd in the famous city of London / 1
HF1005.S3 P37 2011 Le parfait négociant / 1
HF1005 .S35 Der vollkommene Kauff- und Handelsmann, oder, Allgemeiner Unterricht alles, was zum Gewerb und Handlung allerhand beydes frantzösischer als aussländischer Kauffwahren gehört ... : nebenst denen Formularien der Wechsel-Brieffe, Inventarien und allerhand Gemeinschaffts- Auffsätzen, und Verträgen ... / 1
HF1007 Modelling trade and trade policy /
Aspects of the theory of tarriffs
International trade and money /
The pure theory of international trade and distortions /
Illegal Transactions in International Trade Theory and Measurement.
Die Handelspolitik der Balkanstaaten Rumänien, Serbien und Bulgarien, Spaniens und Frankreichs in den letzten Jahrzehnten.
Die handelspolitik Nordamerikas, Italiens, Österreichs Belgiens, der Niederlande, Dänemarks, Schwedens und Norwegens, Russlands und der Schweiz in den letzten jahrzehnten, sowie die deutsche handelsstatistik von 1880 bis 1890 : Berichte und gutachten veröffentlicht vom Verein für socialpolitik.
HF1007 .A34 International business systems perspectives / 1
HF1007 .A38 Foreign trade and finance : essays in international economic equilibrium and adjustment / 1
HF1007 .A39 International trade theory : Hume to Ohlin / 1
HF1007 .A4 Foreign trade and finance : essays in international economic equilibrium and adjustment / 1
HF1007 .A5 Readings in the theory of international trade : selected by a committee of the American Economic Assn. 1
HF1007 .B28 Nontariff distortions of international trade / 1
HF1007 .B29 Economic growth, development, and foreign trade : a study in pure theory /
Economic growth, development, and foreign trade; a study in pure theory
HF1007 .B355 Industrialisation and the basis for trade / 1
HF1007 .B358 The pure theory of international trade under uncertainty. 1
HF1007 .B36 1973b Studies in the pure theory of international trade / 1
HF1007 .B3945 Regional models of trade and development / 2
HF1007 .B3947 The future of the international economic order : an agenda for research / 2