Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1352 .S77 1999 Structural change and cooperation in the global economy / 1
HF1352 .V66 1992 Economic summit declarations, 1975-1989 : examining the written record of international cooperation / 2
HF1352 .W67 1988 World economic problems / 2
HF1353.A3 G699 Powers of position in the Swedish law of agency / 1
HF1353.B25 T48 Bailees' and lessees' protection against third parties under Swedish law / 1
HF1355 .A723 1979 Inventario de los fondos de Consulados (Sección XII) del Archivo General de Indias / 1
HF1356 .L5 Empresa y propiedad, su conceptuación jurídica / 1
HF1359 The OECD and the international political economy since 1948 /
International economic policy for the polycrisis /
G20 economic policy : a balance of payments framework /
Dynamic approaches to global economic challenges : festschrift in honor of Karl Farmer /
International political economy : contexts, issues and challenges /
Contemporary issues in international political economy /
Second image IPE : bridging the gap between comparative and international political economy /
The changing economic geography of globalization : reinventing space /
The G20 : evolution, interrelationships, documentation /
Strengthening Competitiveness In Bangladesh--Thematic Assessment: A Diagnostic Trade Integration Study.
Local and regional development /
Zukunftsprobleme der Weltwirtschaftsordnung
Gospodarka międzynarodowa rys teoretyczny /
Globalisierung der Wirtschaft Ursachen-Formen-Konsequenzen /
Themes in international economics /
Global Economic Prospects 2006 : Economic Implications of Remittances and Migration.
The great demographic reversal ageing societies, waning inequality, and an inflation revival /
Globalization and development : entrepreneurship, innovation, business and policy insights from Asia and Africa /
Advanced Introduction to International Political Economy /
Exiting the global economic superhighway : a renaissance of humanity /
Unpacking the G20 : insights from the summit /
Globalization and the human factor : critical insights /
G20 since the global crisis /
National policy in a global economy : how government can improve living standards and balance the books /
Analytical gains of geopolitical economy /
The Palgrave handbook of contemporary international political economy /
Economic diplomacy and foreign policy-making
The committee to destroy the world : inside the plot to unleash a super crash on the global economy /
Theories of international economics /
The international business environment : a handbook for managers and executives /
Eine gerechte Weltwirtschaftsordnung? : Die »New International Economic Order« und die Zukunft der Süd-Nord-Beziehungen
Managing Development
Localization : a global manifesto /
The New Economic Diplomacy: Decision Making and Negotiation in International Economic Relations : Decision Making and Negotiation in International Economic Relations /
New directions in global economic governance : managing globalisation in the twenty-first century /
Reforming global economic governance an unsettled order /
Aldea Global.
The Oxford handbook of institutions of international economic governance and market regulation /
The G8's role in the new millennium /
The G7/G8 system : evolution, role and documentation /
Guiding global order : G8 governance in the Twenty-First Century /
The power of the G20 : the politics of legitimacy in global governance /
The dialectics of globalization /
Trust, Control, and the Economics of Governance /
Shaping a New International Financial System : Challenges of Governance in a Globalizing World.
The emergence of the NIEO ideology /
Linking industries across the world : processes of global networking /
Polanyi in times of populism : Vision and contradiction in the history of economic ideas /
Reflections on progress : essays on the global political economy /
George Soros on globalization /
The Challenge Of Hegemony : Grand Strategy, Trade, And Domestic Politics.
Globalisation and the Wealth of Nations.
Challenges of Globalization : New Trends in International Politics and Society /
Globalization for Development : Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, and Policy (Revised Edition)
Strategies for the global economic system for 2030 /
Trade wars : past and present /
Market power politics : war, institutions, and strategic delay in world politics /
Another World is Possible : Popular Alternatives to Globalization at the World Social Forum /
THEORY OF WAR AND PEACE : the geophilosophy of europe.
The Oxford handbook of international political economy /
Global cooperation among G20 countries : responding to the crisis and restoring growth /
Global Development Horizons 2011 : Multipolarity - The New Global Economy.
The Ageing Societies of Central and Eastern Europe : Some Problems - Some Solutions.
A world divided : militarism and development after the Cold War /
Studies in international economics and finance : essays in honour of Prof. Bandi Kamaiah /
India in the G20 : rule-taker to rule-maker /
Globalization and its enemies /
Securing the world economy the reinvention of the League of Nations, 1920-1946 /
The change of global economic governance and China
COVID-19 and the global political economy : crises in the 21st century /
The Kyoto Manifesto for global economics : the platform of community, humanity, and spirituality /
The art of economic persuasion : positive incentives and German economic diplomacy /
Triangulación Asia-España-América Latina : una visión desde la empresa /
Triangulando la triangulación España/Europa-América Latina-Asia Pacífico /
The dilemma of regional policy : increasing 'Efficiency' or improving 'Equity'? /
Potential benefits of an Australia-EU free trade agreement : key issues and options /
Supranational political economy : the globalisation of the state-market relationship /
The Dual-Center Global Financial System the Perspective of China's Rise /
Le modèle Mundell-Fleming : au cœur de la macroéconomie internationale /
Economic theory and globalization /
Global production networks : theorizing economic development in an interconnected world /
International Political Economy
International Economics.
Transformations of Global Prosperity : How Foreign Investment, Multinationals, and Value Chains are Remaking Modern Economy /
Regional mutual benefit and win-win under the double circulation of global value /
20 years of G20 : from global cooperation to building consensus /
Great divergence and great convergence : a global perspective /
Global challenges and the emerging world order /
New nationalisms and China's Belt and Road Initiative : exploring the transnational public domain /
Global financial centers, economic power, and (in)efficiency
Valuism : "reinventing the global economy" /
The third option for the South China Sea : the political economy of regional conflict and cooperation /
Why international cooperation is failing : how the clash of capitalisms undermines the regulation of finance /
The last empires : governing ourselves, our nations, and our world /
Absolute essentials of international economics /
Pawned states : state building in the era of international finance /
Governing global trade : international institutions in conflict and convergence /
Is there any 'new normal'? : economics of the turmoil /
Economics of globalisation /
Global determinants of the international movment of production factors economic-legal and institutional context : monograph.
The globalization reader /
Economic effects of the pandemic : implications for the economy, finance and tourism /
HF1359 .A24 2003 Understanding world order and structural change : poverty, conflict, and the global arena / 1
HF1359 .A242 2018 Accountability for effectiveness in global governance 1
HF1359 .A243 2023 International economics : an introduction to theory and policy / 1
HF1359 .A295 2011 Globalization, today and tomorrow / 1
HF1359 .A295 2011eb Globalization, today and tomorrow / 1
HF1359 .A3 1993 Worlds apart : the North-South divide and the international system / 2
HF1359 .A33 1991 Accelerating the development process : challenges for national and international policies in the 1990s : report / 1
HF1359 .A38 2012eb After the fall : the future of global cooperation / 1
HF1359 .A537 2018 El Mundo en Las Próximas décadas. Cambios Económicos y Políticos Trascendentales. Reflexiones Sobre lo Inevitable. 1
HF1359 .A543 1996 Unravelling global apartheid : an overview of world politics / 1
HF1359 .A547 2002 Alternatives to economic globalization : a better world is possible : a report of the International Forum on Globalization / 1
HF1359 .A5475 2007ab Connected 24 hours in the global economy / 1