Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1411 .A77 1976 GATT plus--a proposal for trade reform : with the text of the General agreement : report of the Special Advisory Panel to the Trade Committee of the Atlantic Council. 1
HF1411 .A973 2008eb Authority in the global political economy 1
HF1411 .A9813 2001 The other Davos : the globalization of resistance to the world economic system / 1
HF1411 .B19 Multinational corporations, trade and the dollar in the seventies / 2
HF1411 .B22192 1989 Comparative advantage, trade policy and economic development / 2
HF1411 .B23 Trade liberalization among industrial countries : objectives and alternatives / 1
HF1411 .B2327 1985 Economic statecraft / 1
HF1411 .B2327 2020 Economic statecraft / 1
HF1411 .B236 1973 The international linkage of national economic models / 1
HF1411 .B24 1973 Fact and fancy in international economic relations : an essay on international monetary reform /
Fact and fancy in international economic relations; an essay on international monetary reform,
HF1411 .B24 1973eb International economic relations : an essay on international monetary reform / 1
HF1411 .B25 Unequal partners. 1
HF1411 .B2863 East-West trade: the lessons from experience. 1
HF1411 .B3313 Towards a new international economic order / 2
HF1411 .B35 Unequal partners. 1
HF1411 .B367 1987 The international of capital : imperialism and capitalist development on a world scale / 1
HF1411 .B42 Completing the GATT, toward new international rules to govern export controls / 1
HF1411 .B43 Toward a new international economic order : selected papers of C. Fred Bergsten, 1972-1974 / 1
HF1411 .B464 Between power and plenty : foreign economic policies of advanced industrial states / 2
HF1411 .B465 2004 Beyond conventional wisdom in development policy : an intellectual history of UNCTAD 1964-2004 / 1