Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1411 .I51725 1987 International economics / 1
HF1411 .I5173 International economics and banking : to Lars-Erik Thunholm, 2 November 1974. 1
HF1411 .I51757 1995 International political economy : perspectives on global power and wealth / 1
HF1411 .I51757 2000  
HF1411 .I51757 2000eb International political economy : perspectives on global power and wealth / 1
HF1411 .I51758 2006eb International political economy and poststructural politics 1
HF1411 .I5176 The International politics of surplus capacity : competition for market shares in the world recession / 1
HF1411 .I5182 1986b International trade and finance : readings / 1
HF1411 .I52 1952 International trade and the improvement of the standard of living in the West / 1
HF1411 .I55 International trade barriers. 1
HF1411 .I55 1994 International trade policies : the Uruguay Round and beyond / 1
HF1411 .I552 1986 International trade : contemporary viewpoints / 1
HF1411 .I555 1981 International trade, industrialization and the new international economic order / 1
HF1411 .I558 1990 International trade policies : gains from exchange between economics and political science / 1
HF1411 .I5855 International economic relations of the western world, 1959-1971 / 1
HF1411 .I75 1996 Three simple principles of trade policy / 1
HF1411 .I753 2012 Trade policy disaster : lessons from the 1930s / 1
HF1411 .I753 2012eb Trade policy disaster lessons from the 1930s /
Trade policy disaster : lessons from the 1930s /
HF1411 .I76 1991 International political economy : managing world economic change / 2
HF1411 .I76 1995 Managing world economic change : international political economy / 2