Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1411 .S7985 East-West technology transfer : Japan and the Communist bloc / 1
HF1411 .S82 1986 Strategic trade policy and the new international economics / 2
HF1411 .S844 1980 The Structure of the world economy and prospects for a new international economic order / 1
HF1411 .S86 Studies of the modern world-system / 1
HF1411 .S866 1980 Summit meetings and collective leadership in the 1980's / 1
HF1411 .S8866 1989 Japan's economic performance and international role / 2
HF1411 .T26 Socialism and international economic order / 1
HF1411 .T4143 Testing theories of economic imperialism,
Testing theories of economic imperialism /
HF1411 .T42 Economics of trade and development,
Economics of trade and development /
HF1411 .T427 The Theory and structures of international political economy / 1
HF1411 .T427 2019 The Theory and structures of international political economy / 1
HF1411 .T445 Geography of international trade / 1
HF1411 .T45 Trade, aid, or what? : A report based upon a conference on international economic policy at the Merrill Center for Economics, summer, 1953. 1
HF1411 .T47 International economic co-operation / 1
HF1411 .T47 1954 International economic integration. 1
HF1411 .T48 On the international division of labour. 1
HF1411 .T5 Shaping the world economy : suggestions for an international economic policy. 1
HF1411 .T594 Towards an open world economy;
Towards an open world economy /
HF1411 .T595 1981 Towards one world? : international responses to the Brandt report / 1
HF1411 .T6 1948 International trade and commercial policy / 1