Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1517 .P35 2010eb Colombia frente a la globalización análisis retro-prospectivo / 1
HF1517 .T7 Trade policy review. 1
HF1517 ebook Análisis de la política comercial y su impacto en las exportaciones industriales colombianas (1990-2011) /
Sesenta años de la política comercial en Colombia : del letargo de la protección al salto al vacío de la apertura /
Antecedentes de la apertura en Colombia : un examen desde la política comercial (1945-1985) /
HF1518.5.E8 L44 1974 La bolsa o la vida : cuatro agresiones imperialistas contra Colombia / 1
HF1518.5.E85 M45 2011eb Export diversification and economic growth an analysis of Colombia's export competitiveness in the European Union's market / 1
HF1518.5.P33 F88 2001 El futuro de Colombia en la Cuenca del Pacífico 1
HF1518.5.V4 B45 2012eb Negocios y relaciones internacionales colombo-venezolanas : divergencias políticas en vecindades económicas complementarias / 1
HF1523 .T7 Trade policy review. 1
HF1524.5.U6 G76 The good neighbor policy and authoritarianism in Paraguay : United States economic expansion and great-power rivalry in Latin America during World War II / 1
HF1525 The geography of trade liberalization : Peru's free trade continuity in comparative perspective /
Between silver and guano : commercial policy and the state in postindependence Peru /
Between Silver and Guano : Commercial Policy and the State in Postindependence Peru /
HF1525 .F47 1990 Comercio exterior y desarrollo : Perú, 1950-1990 / 1
HF1525 .G66 1989 Between silver and guano : commercial policy and the state in postindependence Peru / 1
HF1525 .T7 Trade policy review. 1
HF1529 .T73 Trade policy review. 1
HF1531 Constructing European Union trade policy : a global idea of Europe /
The EU's common commercial policy : institutions, interests and ideas /
The Remaking of the Euro-Mediterranean Vision: Challenging Eurocentrism with Local Perceptions in the Middle East and North Africa
The genesis of the common market /
Commercial realism and EU trade policy : competing for economic power in Asia and the Americas /
The Genesis of the Common Market /
EU IN ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT NEGOTIATIONS : challenges to complex policy coordination.
Economic Diplomacy : Japan and the Balance of National Interests.
Parochial global Europe : 21st century trade politics /
Europe in the global competition : problems - markets - strategies /
COMMON SENSE ABOUT THE COMMON MARKET germany and britain in post-war europe.
HF1531 .A37 2016 National administrations in EU trade policy : maintaining the capacity to control / 1
HF1531 .A44 The European common market and the GATT ... / 1
HF1531 .A5 Commercial policy of EEC. / 1
HF1531 .A554 2016eb Transatlantic trade and investment partnership - ttip : Chanceoder Risiko fur die europaische Gesellschaft. 1
HF1531.A85 2010 Assessing Prospective Trade Policy : Methods Applied to EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements. 1