HF1534 1940 .B53
HF1534 1941
Great Britain under protection / |
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HF1534 1941a
Correspondence respecting the policy of His Majesty's government in the United Kingdom in connexion with the use of materials received under the Lend-lease act, London, September 10, 1941. |
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HF1534 1943 .S3
Export policy and full employment / |
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HF1534 1967 .M37
The free trade area option: opportunity for Britain. |
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HF1534 1971 .C642
Commonwealth policy in a global context / |
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HF1534 1973 .F83
Britain in Europe: impact on the Third World. |
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HF1534 .B413 1941
Great Britain under protection / |
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HF1534 .D5
Defensa de Inglaterra. |
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HF1534 .E53 1588
By the Queene Elizabeth by the grace of God queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland ... Whereas we by our letters patents dated at Westminster the fourth day of Iune in the twenteth yeare of our raigne, did give ...authoritie to ... Raffe Bowes and Thomas Beddingfield .. |
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HF1534 .E53 1632
By the King a proclamation for enabling all His Maiesties subiects to trade within his seuerall dominions, without being further charged with customes, or other dueties, then they of that kingdome wherein they trade, ought to pay. |
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HF1534 .G47 1651
Some considerations on the two grand staple-commodities of England and on certain establishments, wherein the publike good is very much concerned / |
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HF1534 .R42
Reasons humbly offered by the inhabitants of the city and liberty of Westminster and of other places within the weekly bills of mortality, to the knights, citizens, and burgesses in this present Parliament assembled, against the passing of a bill, entitled, An Act for the Enabling of Protestant-Strangers to Exercise their Trades in the places in the said act mentioned. |
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HF1534.5.A4 B36 1983
Britain and Commonwealth Africa : the politics of economic relations, 1951-75 / |
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HF1534.5.A4 H95
The economics of empire : Britain, Africa, and the new imperialism, 1870-95 / |
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HF1534.5.A8 P3
Englisch-österreichische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts / |
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HF1534.5.B35 H56 1984
British trade and enterprise in the Baltic states, 1919-1925 / |
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HF1534.5.C5 E39 1987
British diplomacy and finance in China, 1895-1914 / |
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HF1534.5.E9 D45 1995
The Schuman plan and the British abdication of leadership in Europe / |
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HF1534.5.E9 G46 1991
Britain and European integration since 1945 / |
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