Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1536.5 R4 Reasons humbly offered to the consideration of the Lords spiritual and temporal on behalf of the bill to restrain the wearing of East-India and Persia wrought silks, &c. 1
HF1536.5.S65 R43 1695 Reasons, for enlarging and regulating the trade to Russia and the Narve. 1
HF1536.5.Z4 A12 To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty the humble remonstrance of John Blande of London, merchant, on the behalf of the inhabitants and planters in Virginia and Mariland. 2
HF1536.9.I4 P76 The profit and loss of the East-India-trade 2
HF1537 .A5 1698 Answers for the Burghs Royal, to the memorial in behalf of the Burghs of Regality and Baronie and other unfree traders. 1
HF1537 .B8 1698 Unto his Grace, his Majesties High Commissioner and the right honourable the Estates of Parliament. The humble petition of Mr. John Buchan Agent for the Royal Burrows. 1
HF1537 .R47 1698 Representation for the traders in the native commodities of the kingdom and retailers of forraign commodities, bought from freemen, burgesses or royal-burghs. 1
HF1537 .S36 1681 A proclamation for regulating and encouraging of trade and manufactories in the kingdom of Scotland 1
HF1537 .S36 1697 Proclamation anent the stenting unfree-traders 1
HF1537.5 .E53 By the King, a proclamation for recalling proclamations and orders not agreeable to the acts of navigation and for encouragement of trade.
By the King, a proclamation for recalling dispensations with some clauses in the acts for encouragement and increasing of shipping and navigation, and of trade
HF1537.5 .G3 Severall considerations offered to the Parliament concerning the improvement of trade, navigation and comerce more especially the old draperies and other woolen manufactures of England / 2
HF1538 1681 .E53 A proclamation discharging the importing of foreign linnen and woollen cloth, gold and silver thread, &c
A proclamation discharging the importing of foreign linnen and woollen cloth, gold and silver thread, &c.
HF1538.19 .E35 1700 Answers in behalf of the vvellwishers to the prosperity of the nation, in matters of trade, vvhy the frivolous points of allerged private rights obtruded by the Town of Edinburgh should not hinder the passing of the Act for a Communication of Trade, to the inhabitants of Leith. 1
HF1539.T44 Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy : a Reader. 1
HF1540 1677 A letter from a gentleman in Ireland to his brother in England, relating to the concerns of Ireland in matter of trade 1
HF1540.5.G3 S63 2009 Societies in transition : Ireland, Germany and Irish-German relations in business and society since 1989 / 1
HF1540.5.O44 M37 1991 EC trade policy and the Third World : an Irish perspective / 1
HF1541 G73 1925i Die äussere Wirtschaftspolitik Österreich-Ungarns mitteleuropäische Pläne / 1
HF1542 .E53 1630 By the King a proclamation for the preuenting of the exportation of woolles, wool-fels, yarne, fullers earth, and woad- ashes and of hydes, both tand and raw, out of this kingdome. 1
HF1542 .E53 1634 By the King a proclamation for better ordering the transportation of clothes and other woollen manufactures into Germany, and the low-countreys. 1