Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1713 .C627 2002 NAFTA, WTO, and global business strategy : how AIDs, trade, and terrorism affect our economic future / 1
HF1713 .C627 2002eb NAFTA, WTO, and global business strategy : how AIDs, trade, and terrorism affect our economic future / 1
HF1713 .C67 2011eb Corporate citizenship and new governance the political role of corporations / 1
HF1713 .C68 1970 Trade strategy and the Asian-Pacific region / 1
HF1713 .C69 The theory of protection /
The theory of protection,
HF1713 .C693 Trade policy and economic welfare / 2
HF1713 .C8 The tariff idea. 1
HF1713 .D33 1998 An introduction to the WTO Agreements : [trade and development issues and the World Trade Organisation] / 1
HF1713 .D334 1998 The WTO agreements : deficiencies, imbalances and required changes / 1
HF1713 .D342 2007eb The evolving global trade architecture / 1
HF1713 .D343 2001 Global trading system at the crossroads : a post-Seattle perspective / 1
HF1713 .D343 2001eb Global trading system at the crossroads a post-Seattle perspective / 1
HF1713 .D384 2013 Dimensiones sociales de los acuerdos de libre comercio. 1
HF1713 .D67 2023 The trade trap : how to stop doing business with dictators / 1
HF1713 .D85 2006 The social construction of free trade : the European Union, NAFTA, and MERCOSUR / 1
HF1713 .E43 2014 Emerging markets and the global economy / 1
HF1713 .E96 2006 The evolution of the trade regime : politics, law, and economics of the GATT and the WTO / 1
HF1713 .F473 1996  
HF1713.F58 2006eb Fiscal Implications of Multilateral Tariff Cuts. 1
HF1713 .F646 1996 Export dependence versus the new protectionism : constraints on trade policy in the industrial world / 1