Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1721 .S5 The legal framework for oil concessions in the Arab world. 1
HF1721 .S56 The most-favored-nation clause : an analysis with particular reference to recent treaty practice and tariffs. 1
HF1721 .S56 1948i The most-favored-nation clause an analysis with particular reference to recent treaty practice and tariffs / 1
HF1721 .T68 1978 Tariff preferences in Mediterranean diplomacy / 1
HF1721 .T69 Trade negotiations in the Tokyo Round : a quantitative assessment / 2
HF1721 .T76 1985 Protectionism : trade policy in democratic societies / 2
HF1721 .U55 1993 Report of the Special Committee on Preferences on its twentieth session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 10 to 14 May 1993. 1
HF1721 .U78 1994 Uruguay Round : jobs for the United States, growth for the world. 1
HF1721 .U8 The Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations. 1
HF1721 .U82 1992 The Uruguay Round : a giant step for trade and development, and a response to the challenges of the modern world / 1
HF1721 .U837 1998b The Uruguay Round and beyond : essays in honor of Arthur Dunkel / 1
HF1721 .V4 Trade agreements for developing countries /
Trade agreements for developing countries
HF1721 .W46 1994 Pu bian you hui zhi ji qi li yong wen ti yan jiu / 1
HF1721 .W6596 1996 World trade after the Uruguay Round : prospects and policy options for the twenty-first century / 1
HF1721 .W6596 1996eb World trade after the Uruguay Round prospects and policy options for the twenty-first century / 1
HF1721 .W6596 2002eb World trade after the Uruguay Round : prospects and policy options for the twenty-first century / 1
HF1721 .W66 World trade and domestic adjustment / 1
HF1721 .W67 1992 World trade at the crossroads : the Uruguay Round, GATT, and beyond / 1
HF1731 Trade cooperation : the purpose, design and effects of preferential trade agreement / 2
HF1731 .A32 Operation of the trade agreements program. 1