Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF2044 .C66 1691 Companies in joynt-stock unnecessary and inconvenient. Free trade to India in a regulated company, the interest of England. / 1
HF2044 .E5 1608 The rates of marchandizes as they are set downe in the Booke of rates for the custome and subsidie of poundage, and for the custome and subs[i]die of clothes the same beeing signed by the Kings Maiestie, and sealed with the Great Seale of England, and remaining in His Highnesse Court of Exchequer at Westminster and by speciall commandement from His Maiestie published in print, for the direction of such as it may concerne.
The rates of marchandizes, as they are set downe in the Booke of rates, for the custome and subsidie of poundage, and for the custome and subsidie of clothes the same being signed by the Kings Maiestie, and sealed with the Great Seale of England, and remaining in His Highnesse Court of Exchequer at Westminster, and by speciall commaundement from His Maiestie published in print, for the direction of such as it may concerne : together with the rates of such impositions as are laide vpon any commodities, either brought into the realme, or carried out of the same, according to His Maiesties letters patents thereof vnder the Great Seale of England.
HF2044 .E5 1612 The rates of marchandizes, as they are set downe in [th]e Booke of rates, for the custome and subsidie of poundage, and for the custome and subsidie of clothes the same being signed by the Kings Maiestie, and sealed with the Great Seale of England, and remaining in His Highnesse Court of Exchequer at Westminster, and by speciall commaundement from His Maiestie published in print, for the direction of such as it may concerne : together with the rates of such impositions as are laide vpon any commodities, either brought into the realme, or carried out of the same, according to His Maiesties letters patents thereof vnder the Great Seale of England. 1
HF2044 .E5 1614 By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the importation of allome into any His Maiesties dominions 1
HF2044 .E53 1605 A publication concerning all sorts of gold and siluer threed, granted by His Maiesties letters patents, vnder the great seale 1
HF2044 .E53 1641 By the King, a proclamation concerning the true payment of tonnage and poundage 2
HF2044.E53 1642 By the King. A proclamation concerning the true payment of tonnage and poundage. 1
HF2044.E54 1642 By the King. A proclamation concerning the true payment of tonnage and poundage whereas in and by the last act of this present Parliament concerning tonnage and poundage, (intituled, A subsidie granted to the King of tonnage, poundage, and other sums of money payable upon merchandize exported and imported) it is provided, that no penaltie or forfeiture contained in the said last act, or in an act made in the first yeer of the reign of His Majesties late royall father King James. 1
HF2044 .F33 The corn laws and social England / 1
HF2044 .F34 Fair trade, besides the heavy duties it lies under, suffers yet more from the frauds of smuglers and the exactions of officers for preventing both which, the bill before the House is calculated so that 'tis no wonder if the private interests of clandestine traders and officers should unite in raising a clamour against it. 2
HF2044 .F47 1685 Proposals humbly offered to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons for the advancing His Majesty's revenue six hundred thousand pounds per annum : and to imploy all our poor people at work. 1
HF2044 .F74 1996 Free trade : the repeal of the Corn Laws / 1
HF2044 .G35 1999 Protection and politics : conservative economic discourse, 1815-1852 / 1
HF2044 (INTERNET) A proclamation that straungers shall paye lyke custome and subsydie as the kynges subiectes
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of allome into any His Maiesties dominions.
HF2044 .J6 Unto the right honourable the lords of His Majesties Privie Conncil [sic], 1
HF2044 .L57 The groans of the plantations, or, A true account of their grievous and extreme sufferings by the heavy impositions upon sugar and other hardships relating more particularly to the island of Barbados. 2
HF2044 .L66 1984 The breadstealers / 1
HF2044 .M14 The Anti-corn Law League, 1838-1846. 1
HF2044 .M14 1968 The Anti-Corn Law League 1838-1846. 1
HF2044 -- M25 2001eb Observations on the Corn Laws. 1