Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF2044 .M33 2006eb The Anti-Corn Law League : 1838-1846 / 1
HF2044 .M5 1966 An essay of the impolicy of a bounty on the exportation of grain, 1804. 1
HF2044 .M55 1622 Free trade, or, The meanes to make trade florish. Wherein, the causes of the decay of trade in this kingdome are discouered and the remedies also to remooue the same are represented. 1
HF2044 .M57 1651 Free trade, or, The meanes to make trade flourish reviewed and reprinted, as very usefull for the present times / 1
HF2044 .P49 Economic writings / 1
HF2044 .P7 Proposals, shewing how a duty on sugars, imposed by an act expiring in June next, may be continued, and made no burthen to the plantations. 1
HF2044 .R37 1574 The Rates of the Custome House reduced into a much better order for the redier finding of any thing therin contained then at any time heertofore hath been & now again corrected and amended : wherunto is also added the true difference and contents of weights and measures, with other things neuer before imprinted. 1
HF2044 .R6 Considerations upon the agriculture, commerce, and manufactures of the British empire : with observations on the practical effect of the bill of the Right Hon. Robert Peel, for the resumption of cash payments by the Bank of England, and also upon the pamphlet lately published by David Ricardo, Esq., entitled, Protection to agriculture / 1
HF2044 .S36 2006 From the corn laws to free trade : interests, ideas, and institutions in historical perspective / 1
HF2044 .S36 2006eb From the corn laws to free trade : interests, ideas, and institutions in historical perspective /
From the corn laws to free trade interests, ideas, and institutions in historical perspective /
HF2044 .S5 A letter to Nassau William Senior, Esq. in reply to the article "Free trade and retaliation" in the Edinburgh review, no. CLVII / 1
HF2044 .S8 Three letters to the Right Honourable the Earl of Liverpool : on the distresses of agriculture in the United Kingdom, in which the influence of these distresses on our manufactures, trade, and commerce is considered, as well as the justice, policy, and necessity, of legislative relief, with observations on cash payments and a free trade / 1
HF2044 .T56 1829b Catechism on the corn laws : with a list of fallacies and the answers / 1
HF2044 .T7 1844 The budget : on commercial and colonial policy : with an introduction in which the deductive method, as presented in Mr. Mill's System of logic, is applied to the solution of some controverted questions in political economy / 1
HF2044 .T77 The budget : a series of letters on financial, commercial, and colonial policy / 1
HF2044 .T9 Cotton Twist redivivus / 1
HF2044 .W3 How will free trade in corn affect the farmer? : being an examination of the effects of corn laws upon British agriculture / 1
HF2044 .W57 1840 Influences of the corn laws : as affecting all classes of the community, and particularly the landed interests / 1
HF2044.4 E5 1667 Rules and instructions for the tare of goods & merchandize imported into any port of England: 1
HF2045 Compatriots' Club lectures / 1