Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF2651.F27 E33 1998 Challenges and opportunities of the New International Trade Agreements (Uruguay Round) for ESCWA member countries in selected sectors : agriculture under GATT and WTO, with special reference to Egypt / 1
HF2651.F27 E934 2001 EU agriculture and the WTO : towards a new round of trade negotiations / 1
HF2651.F27 E968 1997 Leadership in disguise : the role of the European Commission in EC decision-making on agriculture in the Uruguay Round / 1
HF2651.F27 E968 2018 Leadership in disguise : the role of the European Commission in EC decision-making on agriculture in the Uruguay round / 1
HF2651.F27 N77 1996 Regulation and protectionism under GATT : case studies in North American agriculture / 1
HF2651.F27 U536 1995 Agricultural trade policy : letting markets work / 2
HF2651.F27 U78 1995 The Uruguay Round : a preliminary evaluation of the impacts of the agreement on agriculture in the OECD countries. 1
HF2651.F5 U44  
HF2651.F5303 A5 1931a Report to the United States Senate on fish and other marine products landed in the United States from the high seas and from territorial waters by aliens and by citizens under the general provisions of Section 332, Title III, Part II, Tariff Act of 1930, in complaince with Senate Resolution 315, dated July 3, 1930. 1
HF2651.F75 U52 Fluorspar ; report on investigation conducted pursuant to resolution by the Committee on Finance of the United States Senate dated August 14, 1954. 1
HF2651.F9303 U6 1930 Bent-wood furniture and parts thereof : report to the President on the differences in costs of production of bent-wood furniture, wholly or partly finished, and parts thereof in the United States and in the principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to the provisions of Section 336 of Title III of the Tarifff Act of 1930 : with appendix: proclamation by the President. 1
HF2651.G403 A5 1931 Edible gelatin : report to the President on the differences in costs of production of edible gelatin in the United States and in the principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to the provisions of Section 336 of Title III of the Tariff Act of 1930 : with appendix: proclamation by the President. 1
HF2651.G52 .E53 By the King, a proclamation for the prohibiting the importation of glas-plates 2
HF2651.G6 U5 1926 Gold leaf : report of the United States Tariff Commission to the President of the United States : differences in costs of production of gold leaf in the United States and in the principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to the provisions of section 315 of title III of the Tariff Act of 1922. 1
HF2651.G8 E53 By the King, a proclamation for preventing the importation of foreign corn in time of plenty 2
HF2651.G8 U54 1959 Red fescue seed : report on Escape-Clause investigation no. 80 under Section 7 of the Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951, as amended. 1
HF2651.G843 T6 Historical summary of the corn laws : containing the substance of the statutes passed from the year 1660, for regulating the importation and consumption of foreign, and the exportation of British, corn : with notes and an appendix of statements, illustrative of the operation of the several statutes / 1
HF2651.H13 U6 Self-closing containers (squeeze-type coin purses) : investigation no. 337-18 under the provisions of section 337 of Title III of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended. 1
HF2651.H5503 A5 1931a Wool-felt hat bodies and hats : report to the President on the differences in costs of production of wool-felt hat bodies and hats in the United States in the principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to the provisions of Section 336 of Title III of the Tariff Act of 1930 : with appendix: proclamation by the President. 1
HF2651.H703 U6 1930 Hides and skins of cattle of the bovine species : report to the President on the differences in costs of production of hides and skins of cattle of the bovine species, raw or uncured, or dried, salted, or pickled, in the United States and in the principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to the provisions of Section 336 of Title III of the Tariff Act of 1930. 1